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Laboratory of Endothelial Molecular Biology (VIB-KU Leuven Center for Cancer Biology) KU Leuven

(URL: of E ndothelial Molecular Biology (Vesalius Research Center).

The goal of the Laboratory of Endothelial Molecular Biology (VRC) is to expand the current knowledge of how metabolism regulates endothelial redox homeostasis and vice-versa in healthy and diseased conditions. To accomplish this they have taken advantage of the innovative genetic and imaging ...

Department of Biomedical molecular biology Ghent University

The Department labs study the molecular mechanisms of inflammation. At the heart of this research is the investigation of molecular signaling pathways in inflammatory cells and structural cells of the skin, lung, gut and brain. We particularly focus on NF-κB, ER stress and cell death pathways and study how these are altered by disease. Research is multidisciplinary with molecular biologists, cell biologists, and bioinformaticians collaborating ...

Biology Ghent University

The Biology Department plays a pivotal role in the education of biology students by offering courses in a wide range of biological disciplines, centred around Ecology Evolution Functional Biology Biodiversity. The single Bachelor and various Master’s programmes place the organism in the focus, whether considered as a member of a species (Biodiversity), as an interacting partner with its environment (Ecology), as the result of an evolutionary ...

Zoölogie pcfruit npo

Geïntegreerde bestrijding (IPM) insecten en mijten in de fruitteelt

Structural Biology Brussels Vrije Universiteit Brussel


Structural biology is a central discipline in molecular life sciences, and our Center for Structural Biology (CSB) has been a cornerstone of the research conducted at the VUB and the VIB, first under the leadership of Lode Wyns, and more recently under the guidance of Jan Steyaert and Han Remaut. The Center has made several top-tier discoveries, of which Nanobody technology has been running like a tread through the history of CSB. The centre ...

Skeletal Biology and Engineering Research Center KU Leuven


The Skeletal Biology and Engineering Research Center focuses its research on the understanding of the cellular and molecular basis of skeletal tissue formation, remodeling and repair.
The Center thereby aims to develop treatments for skeletal disorders, in particular regenerative strategies for cartilage, bone and joint repair. These approaches include the manufacturing of novel class Advanced Therapeutic Medicinal Products, towards we ...

Laboratory of Glia Biology (VIB-KU Leuven) KU Leuven

The long-term goal of Laboratory of Glia Biologyis to understand the molecular mechanisms that control development and function of astrocytes in vivo, and how they interact with neurons.
Our strategy is to use astrocytes isolated from mouse brain as a starting point. This allows us to effectively take a “bottom up” approach to astrocyte function. In a first step, we are combining state-of-the-art biochemical and physiological techniques ...

Laboratory of cell biology and histology University of Antwerp

The Laboratory of Cell Biology and Histology (CBH) is an interfaculty research group, uniting scientists from the Faculty of Biomedical, Pharmaceutical and Veterinary sciences and the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Their joint mission is to elucidate the cell biological principles of human physiology and disease, so as to expose new entry points for diagnostic and therapeutic strategies. Core research lines strongly align with key ...

Laboratory of Chemical Biology KU Leuven


The Laboratory of Chemical Biology develops and applies small molecule tools that covalently modify proteins according to a certain trait. We particularly focus on molecules named activity-based probes. These react with active enzymes within a whole proteome and enable a read-out by SDS-PAGE, mass spectrometry, fluorescence spectroscopy or microscopy. Besides probe development, we focus on several protease families including the intramembrane ...

Environmental Biology Hasselt University

The group Enviromental Biology has a longstanding experience (since 1976) in the field of heavy metal uptake by plants, the effects of toxic metal concentrations on plants and the transfer of metals to the food chain. The group was involved in several projects concerning the zinc, cadmium and lead contamination in the region Balen, Lommel, Overpelt in the the zinc smelter contaminated area in the north-east of Belgium. They started with ...