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Department of Computer Science KU Leuven

The Department of Computer Science consists of five units. Four of these are spread across eight locations in Flanders, with the focal point in Leuven at the Arenberg Campus: Distributed and Secure Software (DistriNet), Declarative Languages and Artificial Intelligence (DTAI), Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), and Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (NUMA). The fifth unit is located at the Kulak Kortrijk Campus ...

Informatics Section KU Leuven

- Study of declarative programming languages (logic & functional) and their applications. - Efficient implementation of declarative programming languages. - Development tools for declarative programming languages, incl. tools for program analysis, verification and transformation & tools based on abstract interpretation. - Knowledge representation & reasoning in logic programming, representation of open knowledge domains, ...

Programming Technology Lab Vrije Universiteit Brussel

The Programming Technology Lab (Prog for short) is a research and teaching lab within the VUB's Department of Computer Science. From a research perspective, Prog has always been active in the broad domains of software engineering and programming language engineering. In the former domain, our research consists of designing, implementing and formalising meta level techniques that support programming and modelling activities. In the latter ...