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Industrial Vision Lab (InViLab) University of Antwerp

The InViLab research group focuses on the use of camera and laser based inspection techniques. We apply these optical techniques in a wide range of application areas: quality control, smart health, pollution monitoring, heritage conservation and sustainable materials. The main InViLab research themes are: - Camera control and fusion: we select and combine camera technologies best suited for a specific application (e.g. infrared and ...

Manufacturing Processes and Systems (MaPS) KU Leuven


Manufacturing Processes and Systems

Research topics:
Sheet processing: CNC controlled processes
Laser cutting
Laser converting
Incremental conversion
CAD / CAM and automated work preparation

Design-supporting methods and techniques: Ecodesign and Life cycle engineering: methodology development
Life cycle costing: predictive techniques
Knowledge management: methods and algorithms ...

Processing Speech and Images (PSI) KU Leuven


CENTER FOR PROCESSING SPEECH AND IMAGES (PSI) In this division research is concentrated on solving real world problems of image and speech processing: * The first research domain is image processing (2D as well as 3D). Research is done on the analysis and processing of satellite images (teledetection), robot vision, visual inspection for industrial automation, medical image computing and analysis, image-guided surgery, 3D visualization and ...

Sustainable chemicals production research cluster: Separation Technology & Economics and Policy making Vrije Universiteit Brussel


De multidisciplinaire en interfacultaire STEP onderzoeksgroep van de VUB draagt bij aan het versnellen van de innovatiecyclus van duurzame processen voor de chemische industrie, een grote uitdaging die tegen 2050 moet worden bereikt, zo niet eerder in lijn met de Europese Green Deal 2030. Dat doen we door niet alleen de technologische uitdagingen grondig te bekijken, maar ook het economische en wetgevende kader, zodat er haalbare oplossingen ...

NUMA, Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics Section KU Leuven

NUMERICAL APPROXIMATION AND NUMERICAL LINEAR ALGEBRA GROUP (A. Bultheel): * Fast and stable algorithms to solve many problems in mathematics connected to continued fractions, orthogonal functions, rational approximation & interpolation, etc. with applications in signal processing, linear systems, etc.. * Numerical solution of recurrence relations with continued fractions. * Fast and stable algorithms to solve structured linear systems of ...

Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (NUMA) KU Leuven


NUMERICAL APPROXIMATION AND NUMERICAL LINEAR ALGEBRA GROUP (A. Bultheel): * Fast and stable algorithms to solve many problems in mathematics connected to continued fractions, orthogonal functions, rational approximation & interpolation, etc. with applications in signal processing, linear systems, etc.. * Numerical solution of recurrence relations with continued fractions. * Fast and stable algorithms to solve structured linear systems of ...