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Molecular biophysics, physiology and pharmacology University of Antwerp

The laboratory for molecular biophysics, physiology and pharmacology studies the underlying mechanisms of the excitability of the heart or nervous system. The electrical activity is regulated by ionic currents passing the plasmamembrane, originating from the opening and closing of ion channels. The determination of the molecular architecture, the modulation by external factors or drugs, the elucidation of the structure function relationship as ...

Cardiology KU Leuven


- Coronary restenosis: clinical and experimental studies on restenosis of coronary arteries. - Myocardial infarction: clinical and experimental studies on coronary trombosis, limitation of infarct size, trombolytic agents, regulation of coronary blood flow and myocardial metabolism during ischemia and infarction. - Echocardiography: clinical and experimental studies on backscatter of ultrasound in diverse disease states; computerstudies on ...

Experimental Cardiology KU Leuven


Research focuses on molecular mechanisms of excitation-contraction coupling in cardiac myocytes (electrophysiology, advanced calcium imaging), cellular remodeling in cardiac disease: ischemia and heart failure, mechanisms of arrhythmias. Research further aims to understand epigenetic mechanisms of adaptive and maladaptive remodeling of cardiac myocytes. Other work focuses on molecular pathways in metabolic cardiovascular diseases and ...

Laboratory of cell biology and histology University of Antwerp

The Laboratory of Cell Biology and Histology (CBH) is an interfaculty research group, uniting scientists from the Faculty of Biomedical, Pharmaceutical and Veterinary sciences and the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Their joint mission is to elucidate the cell biological principles of human physiology and disease, so as to expose new entry points for diagnostic and therapeutic strategies. Core research lines strongly align with key ...