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Interuniversity Centre For Health Economics Research Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Research within I-CHER will focus on topics in the following research areas:

1. Health-economic evaluations (costs and benefits of medicines and medical technologies);
2. Health and business economics aspects of hospital policy
3. Health-economic aspects of physical exercise, nutrition, healthy lifestyle and preventive health care in general
4. Health-economic aspects of various organizational models and medical care ...

Didactica University of Antwerp

Didactica conducts scientific research in the field of didactics and teaching methodology. All components of lesson preparation, execution and processing fall within its scope: initial situation, objectives, subject matter, assessment, methodology, class arrangement, teaching materials, learning processes, linguistic competence and classroom interaction. Also belonging to Didactica's expertise is the relation between teaching practice and school ...

Educational management University of Antwerp

Research concerning the relationship between social processes and educational leaderschip in order to improve the quality of education. Research topics deals with School management, ethnic minorities in Flemish education, marketing of educational institutions, organisational culture of schools and the evaluation of school leader training.