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Katleen Gabriels

  • Research Expertise:
    • Morality Ethics Virtuality Virtual World Virtual Community Virtual Media Social Virtual World Internet of Things
    • Katleen Gabriels holds master’s degrees in Germanic Philology (KULeuven, 2005) and Moral Sciences (UGent, 2009) and a doctoral degree in Philosophy and Moral Sciences (VUB, 2014). Her doctoral dissertation, Who’s afraid of virtuality? On the moral status of social virtual worlds: The case of Second Life, focused on everyday virtual moral life and conjoined a strong grounding in moral philosophy with an empirical study on moral practices in social virtual worlds. She is currently working as a postdoctoral researcher on the FWO-project Technical vs. moral proximity: The ‘hidden morality’ of ‘continuous connectivity,’ in which she focuses on the ethical aspects of Internet of Things (IoT) and on the virtualization of moral relations. Research fields: ICT & computer ethics; philosophy and ethics of technology; moral philosophy; philosophy of virtuality Methodological expertise: virtual and hybrid ethnography; in-depth interviews; focus groups; vignette studies; quantitative surveys
  • Keywords:Philosophy (incl. moral science), Language and literature (incl. information, documentation, library and archive sciences), History
  • Disciplines:Natural sciences, Engineering and technology, Agricultural, veterinary and food sciences, Medical and health sciences
  • Users of research expertise:
    • Morality Ethics Virtuality Virtual World Virtual Community Virtual Media Social Virtual World Internet of Things
    • Katleen Gabriels holds master’s degrees in Germanic Philology (KULeuven, 2005) and Moral Sciences (UGent, 2009) and a doctoral degree in Philosophy and Moral Sciences (VUB, 2014). Her doctoral dissertation, Who’s afraid of virtuality? On the moral status of social virtual worlds: The case of Second Life, focused on everyday virtual moral life and conjoined a strong grounding in moral philosophy with an empirical study on moral practices in social virtual worlds. She is currently working as a postdoctoral researcher on the FWO-project Technical vs. moral proximity: The ‘hidden morality’ of ‘continuous connectivity,’ in which she focuses on the ethical aspects of Internet of Things (IoT) and on the virtualization of moral relations. Research fields: ICT & computer ethics; philosophy and ethics of technology; moral philosophy; philosophy of virtuality Methodological expertise: virtual and hybrid ethnography; in-depth interviews; focus groups; vignette studies; quantitative surveys