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Predicting and explaining the occurrence of non-consensual dissemination of sexts: risk and protective factors among adolescents and emerging adults.

Lately, there has been increasing societal and scientific attention to
sexting and the criminal behaviour of non-consensual dissemination
of sexts (NCDS) among adolescents and emerging adults. Yet, little
empirical research has been executed to predict and explain this
recent offence. This study attempts to fill this gap by examining which
factors contribute to the (non-)occurrence of NCDS. In other words,
this study aims to identify the factors that increase or decrease the
likelihood of perpetration and victimisation of NCDS, referred to as
risk- and protective factors. Through quantitative and qualitative
research we aim to expand the explanation and understanding of
(the occurrence of) this phenomenon. First, Flemish adolescents and
emerging adults are surveyed about their possible perpetration
and/or victimisation of NCDS and related factors (e.g., sociodemographic
factors, contextual factors). In a second phase,
perpetrators and victims are interviewed about their ideas of NCDS in
general and the relevant contributing factors, as revealed by the
survey, in the occurrence of this offence. As a result of expanding our
understanding of the phenomenon, the study will also provide
important insight and guidance for a societal response related to
policy, support, education and prevention concerning this behaviour,
which in turn helps to prevent the NCDS and to protect youth against
Title of your research proposal
English Title Predicting and explaining the occurrence of non-consensual
dissemination of sexts: risk and protective factors among adolescents
and emerging adults.
Dutch Title Voorspellen en verklaren van het al dan niet optreden van nietconsensuele
verspreiding van sexts: risico- en beschermende
factoren bij adolescenten en jongvolwassenen.
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Applicant: Stefaan Pleysier | Application number

Date:1 Jan 2022 →  Today
Keywords:non-consensual dissemination of sexual images, sexting, adoloscence and emerging adulthood
Disciplines:Youth and life course criminology, Causes and prevention of crime, Interpersonal communication