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The bright and the dark side of national databases for research output

Book Contribution - Chapter

National databases for research output are increasingly seen as a remedy for many data-related problems in research evaluation. A central argument in favour of data collection initiatives at the national level is the need for more comprehensive coverage of research output in, among else, social sciences. At the same time, the air of optimism within the debates about national databases forecloses space for more critical considerations of risks that come along the operation of a national database for research output. This, I argue, is a crucial limitation of the current debates around data sources for research evaluation. In this chapter, I offer a more symmetrical view of the use of national databases in evaluation of social sciences and highlight key positive and negative aspects of these databases with respect to research evaluation.
Book: Handbook on research assessment in the social sciences / Engels, T. [edit.]; Kulczycki, E. [edit.]
Pages: 136 - 147
Publication year:2022
Keywords:H1 Book chapter