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100KTREEs : Decision Toolbox for cities to improve air quality, biodiversity, human wellbeing and reduce climate risks by planting more trees in our cities (EUAR108)
Most of us live in cities, even though cities are not the healthiest places due to poor air quality, noisy surroundings and lack of
recreational spaces. Many cities have few green areas and consist of too much ‘concrete jungle’ which makes for a harsh environment
for all living things. With the changing climate, the weather is expected to become more extreme. One such effect will be urban heat
islands, which will be even more profound, with heatwaves expected to increase 3 to 10-fold by 20801 depending on the climate
scenario. A way of tackling all these issues, is to plant more trees within the urban fabric - a well-recognised, and relatively cheap and
efficient measure for cities to adapt to future climatic challenges. In view of this, the ambition of 100KTREEs is to make cities a
better and healthier place to live by encouraging municipalities to plant more trees and to optimise the impact of tree planting
recreational spaces. Many cities have few green areas and consist of too much ‘concrete jungle’ which makes for a harsh environment
for all living things. With the changing climate, the weather is expected to become more extreme. One such effect will be urban heat
islands, which will be even more profound, with heatwaves expected to increase 3 to 10-fold by 20801 depending on the climate
scenario. A way of tackling all these issues, is to plant more trees within the urban fabric - a well-recognised, and relatively cheap and
efficient measure for cities to adapt to future climatic challenges. In view of this, the ambition of 100KTREEs is to make cities a
better and healthier place to live by encouraging municipalities to plant more trees and to optimise the impact of tree planting
Date:1 Dec 2022 → Today
Keywords:City Trees, Climate, air quality, citizens engagement
Disciplines:Environmental health and safety
Project type:Collaboration project