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Capturing the meaning making process: coping with and adjusting to chronic pain.
Since decades, theorists state that experiencing meaning in life is important for healthy psychological functioning. In confrontation with life stressors, therefore, a meaning making process seems to play a crucial role in adjusting to and coping with the stressor. However, research on this meaning making process is scarce and hampered with methodological limitations. In addition, research focuses mainly on acute negative events, whereas few studies investigate meaning making when confronted with a chronic stressor. The main objective is to investigate the meaning making model in the context of a chronic stressor (i.e., chronic pain), taking into account the major methodological limitations in the existing research. Therefore, three distinct studies will be performed: a longitudinal study, a daily diary study and a randomized trial.
Date:1 Oct 2011 → 30 Sep 2015
Keywords:Chronic pain, Meaning making process, Stressor, Coping
Disciplines:Biological and physiological psychology, General psychology, Other psychology and cognitive sciences