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Food digestion as influenced .by food structure: the role of pectin - food component interactions in plant-based food systems
To rationally design functional foods beyond basic nutrition, it is essential to develop an underpinning knowledge and understanding how food components and structures are transformed and absorbed during human digestion. This project aims to study the role of pectin - food component interactions in plant-based food systems and their consequence for food digestion. Pectin is an important structure-determining component in plant-based systems. To simulate the gastro-intestinal digestion, this project will use a standardized static in vitro digestion model.
Date:1 Oct 2016 → 30 Sep 2021
Keywords:food digestion, food, pectin, food structure, in vitro digestion model
Disciplines:Food sciences and (bio)technology not elsewhere classified, Other chemical sciences not elsewhere classified, Nutrition and dietetics not elsewhere classified, Agricultural animal production not elsewhere classified