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PARADISE: Pushing AsteRoseismology to the next level withTESS, GaiA and the Sloan DIgital Sky SurvEy

The year 2018 marks a unique epoch in stellar astrophysics. The NASA mission TESS will be launched to measure millions of stars with ultra-precise uninterrupted photometry, while the ESA mission Gaia will release its astrometric data of 1 billion stars in the Milky Way, including the TESS targets. This Peta-byte sized data set offers a PARADISE for asteroseismology and will revolutionise stellar and galactic physics. Once the 5th version of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey will be operational in 2020, we will combine all-sky time-resolved photometry, spectroscopy and astrometry of millions of single and binary stars. Following their role in these 3 major facilities in time-domain astronomy, the promoters of PARADISE have the potential and ambition to lift asteroseismology and stellar interiors to unprecedented levels.
Date:1 Oct 2018 →  Today
Keywords:Asteroseismology, Stellar Interiors, Binaries, Space Photometry, Time Series Analysis, Spectroscopy, Astrometry
Disciplines:Astronomy and space sciences