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Policy Research Centre for Traffic Safety 2012-2016 (R-3792)
Within the policy research centres structural financing for policy-relevant research is foreseen in fields and/or subjects which are a priority for the Flemish government. The principal assignment of a policy research centre is to carry out research assignments aimed at problems relevant to policy. By means of the policy research centres one whishes to collect and/or build a critical mass in a number of carefully chosen sectors in order to create a certain degree of stability within a clearly fixed contractual framework. For the third time in a row financing is foreseen for a policy research centre in the field of 'Traffic Safety'. And for the third time in a row, IMOB of Hasselt University wil coördinate this centre. This policy research centre will be carried by a consortium of partners where besides UHasselt (IMOB), also the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (research groups SADL, ETE and CIB) and the Flemish Institution for Technological Research (VITO) will be part of.
Date:1 Jan 2012 → 30 Jun 2016
Keywords:traffic safety
Disciplines:Applied economics, Economic history, Macroeconomics and monetary economics, Microeconomics, Tourism, Economic geography, Human geography, Recreation, leisure and tourism geography, Urban and regional geography