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Enabling the recognition of people in poverty through social work practice. From being on a par to participating on a par = De erkenning van mensen in armoede via sociaal werk. Van gelijkwaardig zijn naar gelijkwaardige participatie
Journal Contribution - Journal Article
In its engagement towards anti-poverty-strategies, social work has become strongly embedded in a politics of recognition and respect. Nevertheless, this raises critical questions in regard to how such a politics connects to the socio-economic and political dimensions of poverty. We build on an intensive qualitative study in five Associations where People in Poverty Raise their Voice (Belgium), to reveal how practitioners attempt to provide this connection. Findings from this research show that the recognition and empowerment of people in poverty is not only enabled through niches in which participants are addressed on their strengths in daily practice, but also through the conception of the transformative potential of such niches in which people in poverty are positioned as indispensable active partners in the fight against injustices. This article highlights the challenges of denouncing the socio-economic and political subordination of people in poverty without defining people in poverty by their status; and concludes that reflection on differences that subordinate people in poverty must remain at the heart of social work practice, but should framed as a communicative base to create solidarity for and indignation about the unjust nature of the daily struggles people in poverty have to endure.
ISSN: 1468-2664
Issue: 5
Volume: 23
Pages: 755 - 766
Publication year:2019
BOF-publication weight:0.1
Authors from:Higher Education