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Midbrain sensitivity to auditory motion studied with dichotic sweeps of broadband noise

Journal Contribution - Journal Article

Many neurons in the central nucleus of the inferior colliculus (IC) show sensitivity to interaural time differences (ITDs), which is thought to be relayed from the brainstem. However, studies with interaural phase modulation of pure tones showed that IC neurons have a sensitivity to changes in ITD that is not present at the level of the brainstem. This sensitivity has been interpreted as a form of sensitivity to motion. A new type of stimulus is used here to study the sensitivity of IC neurons to dynamic changes in ITD, in which broad- or narrowband stimuli are swept through a range of ITDs with arbitrary start-ITD, end-ITD, speed, and direction. Extracellular recordings were obtained under barbiturate anesthesia in the cat. We applied the same analyses as previously introduced for the study of responses to tones. We find effects of motion which are similar to those described in response to interaural phase modulation of tones. The size of the effects strongly depended on the motion parameters but was overall smaller than reported for tones. We found that the effects of motion could largely be explained by the temporal response pattern of the neuron such as adaptation and build-up. Our data add to previous evidence questioning true coding of motion at the level of the IC.
Journal: Hearing Research
ISSN: 0378-5955
Volume: 450
Publication year:2024
Keywords:Ophtalmology/otolaryngology, Neurosciences & psychopharmacology