Charlotte Colman
- Keywords:drug markets, desistance, recovery, drug policy evaluation
- Disciplines:Correctional theory, offender treatment and rehabilitation, Youth and life course criminology, Criminology not elsewhere classified, Punishment and criminal justice
- Department of Criminology, Criminal Law and Social Law (Department)
From1 Oct 2014 → Today - Department of Penal law and criminology (Department)
From1 Oct 2007 → 30 Sep 2014
1 - 10 of 19
- Female recovery and desistance pathwaysFrom1 Jan 2024 → TodayFunding: BOF - doctoral mandates
- POSEiDON - POrtS unitED Against corruptiONFrom15 Mar 2023 → TodayFunding: Other EU initiatives out of framework
- Ghent as an inclusive city for people in recovery from drug addiction: a career dating event for people in recovery and employersFrom1 Jan 2023 → 31 Dec 2023Funding: BOF - various
- The relationship between gambling sponsorship and the normalization and prevalence of gambling (GAMSPON)From15 Dec 2022 → TodayFunding: Research programme supporting the federal policy note on drugs
- MARket and Profit Analysis of Illicit Indoor CANnabis Culivation and Trade - MARCANTFrom15 Dec 2020 → 15 Mar 2024Funding: Research programme supporting the federal policy note on drugs
- "RECOvery in PRISon-bis - Evaluation pilotproject 'Substance abuse treatment for persons in detention'From16 Nov 2020 → 31 Dec 2021Funding: Ministery of Social Affairs, Public Health and Environment
- The role of desistance capital in the desistance process of Belgian cocaine couriers involved in the cocaine retail market: a multimethod approachFrom1 Nov 2020 → 3 Nov 2022Funding: FWO fellowships
- Strenghtening Synthetic Opioids health systems’ preparedness to respond to the potential increases in prevalence and use of Synthetic OpioidsFrom1 Jan 2020 → 30 Jun 2022Funding: EU - out of framework - indefinite
- From the alley to the web. The rise of illicit drug trade on cyptomarkets and the involvement of Belgian buyers and vendors - CRYPTODRUGFrom1 Mar 2019 → 15 Sep 2020Funding: Other federal scientific institutions
- Scientific evaluation of the Flow PlanFrom1 Feb 2019 → 30 Nov 2019Funding: Cities and Municipalities
1 - 10 of 89
- Geldstromen gerelateerd aan synthetische drugsproductie in België(2024)
Authors: Sophia De Seranno, Charlotte Colman, Thom Snaphaan, Peter Klerks
Pages: 265 - 292 - Desistance van synthetische drugsproductie en -handel : de invloed van persoonlijke, sociale en structurele factoren(2024)
Authors: Evelien Lootens-Stael, Sophia De Seranno, Charlotte Colman
- Illegal synthetic drug production and waste in Flanders (Belgium) : trends and responses(2024)
Authors: Mafalda Nogueira Maia Pardal, Charlotte Colman, Sophia De Seranno
Pages: 1 - 7 - 'Ik heb mijn mannetje moeten staan' : een verkennende studie naar de betrokkenheid van vrouwen binnen de synthetische drugsmarkt in België(2024)
Authors: Sophia De Seranno, Charlotte Colman
Pages: 166 - 181 - The importance of co-produced, multi-method, independent scientific evidence in times of alternative truths and global policy debates(2024)
Authors: Catherine Comiskey, Henri Bergeron, Thomas Clausen, Charlotte Colman, Laura Ferrer-Wreder, Gabriele Fischer, Margarida Gaspar de Matos, Jo-Hanna Ivers, Marie Jauffret-Roustide, Marieke Liem, et al.
- Tackling synthetic drug dumping sites in Belgium : trial and error?(2023)
Authors: Sophia De Seranno, Charlotte Colman, Mafalda Nogueira Maia Pardal
Number of pages: 1 - When home delivery trumps a shady warehouse deal : an exploratory study of Belgian cryptomarket buyers' profile and their motives to buy online(2023)Series: Emerald Studies in Digital Crime, Technology and Social Harms
Authors: Charlotte Colman, Meropi Tzanetakis, Nigel South
Pages: 73 - 92 - 100 jaar Belgische drugswet en evaluatie van het drugsbeleid(2023)
Authors: Wendy De Bondt, Charlotte Colman
- Recreatief partydruggebruik bij jongvolwassenen in Gent : belanghebbenden aan het woord(2023)
Authors: Angel Maginet, Lieven Pauwels, Charlotte Colman
Pages: 326 - 341 - Een evaluatie van het Belgisch drugsbeleid : blijven de beleidsintenties overeind?(2023)
Authors: Eva Blomme, Freya Vander Laenen, Pablo Nicaise, Tom Decorte, Charlotte Colman
Pages: 165 - 184