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Dirk Verellen
- Research Expertise:
- University of Dublin Trinity College School of Medicine, theses review B.Sc. Radiotherapy: 2010-2011 (27 in total)
- W. Wunderlink: “Accurate targeting of liver tumors in stereotactic radiation therapy� Degree: PhD Medical Physics, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, 2011
- G Kragl: “New technological approaches to advanced radiation therapy: Flattening filter free photon beams� Degree: PhD Medical Sciences, Medical University of Vienna, 2011
- Tom Budiharto: “The optimization of treatment selection and of external beam radiotherapy for prostate cancer patients� Degree: PhD Medical Sciences, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, 2010-2011
- Piet Ost: “Postoperative prostate bed IMRT: dose escalation for an invisible moving target� Degree: PhD Medical Sciences, Universiteit Gent, Belgium, 2010-2011
- Nicolas Christian: “Hypoxia directed dose painting in IMRT: a critical appraisal� Degree: PhD Biomedical Sciences, Université Catholique de Louvin (UCL), Belgium, 2010-2011.
- Expert reviewer, Dutch Cancer Society, Grant application by Prof. dr. ir. F. Verhaegen, “Image-guided and adaptive radiation therapy with 3D ultrasound imaging for prostate cancer�, April, 2010.
- Expert reviewer, French National Institute of Cancer (INCA), Hospital Clinical Research Programme (PHRC) 2010: “Whole body dosimetry in cohort and prediction of late iatrogenic effects of radiation therapy in children cured of a solid cancer.�
- Expert reviewer, Swiss National Science Foundation, Grant Application by R. Moeckli, Institut Universitaire de Radiophysique Appliquée, “Evaluation of second cancer risk models in radiotherapy for average and high dose levels.�, November 2009.
- S.H. Benedict, evaluation for tenure for promotion to Full Professor, University of Virginia, School of Medicine, June 2009.
- M. Kakar: “Intelligent and adaptive systems in cancer biomedicine� Degree: PhD Physics, University of Oslo, Norway, 2008-2009.
- L. Mommaerts: “Het effect van een grid op de scatter- en contrastcomponent in digitale mamografie door middle van Monte Carlo simulaties� Degree: Master of Applied Sciences and Engineering, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium, 2008-2009.
- I. Wathion: “Ontwerp en validatie van een Monte Carlo model voor een digitale borsttomosynthese opstelling� Degree: Master of Applied Sciences and Engineering, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium, 2008-2009.
- M. Dujardin: “Blood flow measurement with dynamic contrast enhanced MRI: kidney and brain tumours� Degree: PhD Medical Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium, 2008-2009.
- K. Schombourg: “Dosimétrie in-vivo 3D en Tomothérapie� Degree: PhD Medical Sciences, Université de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2006-2010.
- E. Wong, Committee member for tenure of Associate Professorship, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Western Ontario, Canada. June 2008.
- E. Sterpin: “Monte Carlo dose calculations for Tomotherapy� Degree: PhD in Sciences, Université Catholique de Louvin (UCL), Belgium, 2007-2008.
- P. Forthmann: “John’s equation and penalized likelihood sinogram restoration in computed tomography� Degree: PhD in Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium, 2007-2008.
- N. Buls: “Patient and staff dosimetry in diagnostic and interventional radiology� Degree: PhD Medical Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium, 2007-2008.
- D. Sarrut: “Imagerie dynamique et simulations Monte-Carlo pour la radiothérapie guidée par l’image� Degree: Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France, 2007-2008.
- G. Bosmans: “Intra (4D) and Interfraction CT/PET imaging of lung cancer patients� Degree: PhD Medical Sciences, Universiteit Maastricht, The Netherlands, 2007-2008.
- S. Huy, Committee member for position as Associate Professor at the University of Minnesota, USA, June 2007.
- S. Spiessens: “Dosimetric evaluation of cone beam CT imaging techniques in radiotherapy for head&neck patients with thermoluminescent detectors� Degree: Gediplomeerde in Gespecialiseerde Studie Medical Radiation Physics, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, 2006-2007.
- Expert reviewer AICR (ASSOCIAZIONE ITALIANA PER LA RICERCA SUL CANCRO) grant applications 2011: “Validation of real time tumor tracking models with four-dimensional magnetic resonance imaging�
- Expert reviewer for the ASTRO IGRT White Paper (Assuring Quality and Safety in Image-guided Radiation Therapy) published in the Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys, 2011
- Expert reviewer for the Institut National du Cancer, Programme hospitalier de recherche Clinique en cancérologie (PHRC Cancer 2012): “Stereotactic radiotherapy for paediatric recurrent intracranial ependymomas after previous radiation therapy�
- University of Dublin, Trinity College School of Medicine, theses review B.Sc. Radiotherapy: 2011-2012 (16 in total).
- D. Van Rooijen: “Improving radiation dose delivery for moving targets using image guidance� Degree: PhD Medical Physics, University of Amsterdam, 2012
- C.L. Ong: “Volumetric modulated arc therapy for stereotactic body radiotherapy: planning considerations, delivery accuracy and efficiency.� Degree: PhD Medical Sciences, VU University Medical Centre Amsterdam, 2012.
- N. Agazaryan, Committee member for position as Associate Professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, (UCLA), USA. June 2006.
- B. De Smedt: “Development of a Monte Carlo dose engine for IMRT treatment planning� Degree: PhD Medical Sciences, Universiteit Gent, Belgium, 2005-2006
- W. Duthoy: “Intensity modulated radiation therapy and arc therapy: validation and evolution as applied to tumors of the head and neck, abdominal and pelvic regions.� Degree: PhD Medical Sciences, Universiteit Gent, Belgium, 2005-2006.
- Committee member: Bioscience Yorkshire Enterprise Fellowship, A. Wislon, “Development of spectroscopic phantom gels for cancer therapy�, June 2005.
- K. Vergote: “Development of polymer gel dosimetry for applications in intensity-modulated radiotherapy� Degree: PhD Medical Sciences, Universiteit Gent, Belgium, 2004-2005.
- A. Swinnen: “Quality assurance in radiotherapy at the patient level: the potential of film and mailed in vivo thermoluminescence dosimetry� Degree: PhD Medical Physics, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, 2004-2005
- P.A.A. Kassinda: “The role of magnetic resonance imaging in the radiotherapy of the treatment of prostate cancer� Degree: PhD Medical Physics, University of Hull, UK, 2003-2004
- Committee member: Dutch Cancer Society, Grant application by Prof. dr. ir. J.J.W. Lagendijk, “ To investigate daily on-line MRI anatomy observation in image guided radiotherapy�, July 2003.
- F.G. Claus: “Intensity modulated radiation therapy for ethmoid sinus cancer� Degree: PhD Medical Sciences, Universiteit Gent, Belgium, 2001-2002
- C. Martens: “Experimentele dosimetrie voor de ondersteuning en verificatie van intensiteitsgemoduleerde radiothrapie� Degree: PhD Medical Sciences, Universiteit Gent, Belgium, 2001-2002
- S. Makkat: “Evolution of ischemic penumbra in acute stroke – a correlative study of early MR imaging findings with evolution of infarct� Degree: Master in Medical and Pharmaceutical Research, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium, 2001-2001.
- L. Struelens: “Kwaliteitscontrole in de eerstelijns radiology in ontwikkelingslanden� Degree: Gediplomeerde in Gespecialiseerde Studie in de Biomedische en Klinische Ingenieurstechnieken, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium, 1999-2000
- F. Van den Heuvel, committee member for position as Associate Professor, Wayne State University, Detroit, USA. June 1999
- P. Droesch: “Etude de methodes de contrôle de la qualité des images de systèmes électroniques d’imagerie portal� Degree: DES en Physique Médicale, Université de Liège, Belgium, 1999-2000
- Y. De Deene, evaluation for tenure to Associate Professor in the School of Physics at the University of Sydney, May 2012
- JJ Sonke: Evaluation for tenure to Associate Professor, Nederlands Kanker Instituut (NKI), Amsterdam, 2014
- University of Dublin, Trinity College School of Medicine, theses review B.Sc. Radiotherapy: 2012-2013 (25 in total)
- Expert reviewer, JJ Sonke: Evaluation for tenure to Associate Professor, Nederlands Kanker Instituut (NKI), Amsterdam, 2014
- Keywords:Information and communication technology, Computer science (incl. applied informatics), Medicine
- Disciplines:Other computer engineering, information technology and mathematical engineering not elsewhere classified, Other mathematical sciences and statistics not elsewhere classified, Other basic sciences not elsewhere classified, Other information and computing sciences not elsewhere classified
- Users of research expertise:
- University of Dublin Trinity College School of Medicine, theses review B.Sc. Radiotherapy: 2010-2011 (27 in total)
- W. Wunderlink: “Accurate targeting of liver tumors in stereotactic radiation therapy� Degree: PhD Medical Physics, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, 2011
- G Kragl: “New technological approaches to advanced radiation therapy: Flattening filter free photon beams� Degree: PhD Medical Sciences, Medical University of Vienna, 2011
- Tom Budiharto: “The optimization of treatment selection and of external beam radiotherapy for prostate cancer patients� Degree: PhD Medical Sciences, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, 2010-2011
- Piet Ost: “Postoperative prostate bed IMRT: dose escalation for an invisible moving target� Degree: PhD Medical Sciences, Universiteit Gent, Belgium, 2010-2011
- Nicolas Christian: “Hypoxia directed dose painting in IMRT: a critical appraisal� Degree: PhD Biomedical Sciences, Université Catholique de Louvin (UCL), Belgium, 2010-2011.
- Expert reviewer, Dutch Cancer Society, Grant application by Prof. dr. ir. F. Verhaegen, “Image-guided and adaptive radiation therapy with 3D ultrasound imaging for prostate cancer�, April, 2010.
- Expert reviewer, French National Institute of Cancer (INCA), Hospital Clinical Research Programme (PHRC) 2010: “Whole body dosimetry in cohort and prediction of late iatrogenic effects of radiation therapy in children cured of a solid cancer.�
- Expert reviewer, Swiss National Science Foundation, Grant Application by R. Moeckli, Institut Universitaire de Radiophysique Appliquée, “Evaluation of second cancer risk models in radiotherapy for average and high dose levels.�, November 2009.
- S.H. Benedict, evaluation for tenure for promotion to Full Professor, University of Virginia, School of Medicine, June 2009.
- M. Kakar: “Intelligent and adaptive systems in cancer biomedicine� Degree: PhD Physics, University of Oslo, Norway, 2008-2009.
- L. Mommaerts: “Het effect van een grid op de scatter- en contrastcomponent in digitale mamografie door middle van Monte Carlo simulaties� Degree: Master of Applied Sciences and Engineering, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium, 2008-2009.
- I. Wathion: “Ontwerp en validatie van een Monte Carlo model voor een digitale borsttomosynthese opstelling� Degree: Master of Applied Sciences and Engineering, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium, 2008-2009.
- M. Dujardin: “Blood flow measurement with dynamic contrast enhanced MRI: kidney and brain tumours� Degree: PhD Medical Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium, 2008-2009.
- K. Schombourg: “Dosimétrie in-vivo 3D en Tomothérapie� Degree: PhD Medical Sciences, Université de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2006-2010.
- E. Wong, Committee member for tenure of Associate Professorship, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Western Ontario, Canada. June 2008.
- E. Sterpin: “Monte Carlo dose calculations for Tomotherapy� Degree: PhD in Sciences, Université Catholique de Louvin (UCL), Belgium, 2007-2008.
- P. Forthmann: “John’s equation and penalized likelihood sinogram restoration in computed tomography� Degree: PhD in Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium, 2007-2008.
- N. Buls: “Patient and staff dosimetry in diagnostic and interventional radiology� Degree: PhD Medical Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium, 2007-2008.
- D. Sarrut: “Imagerie dynamique et simulations Monte-Carlo pour la radiothérapie guidée par l’image� Degree: Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France, 2007-2008.
- G. Bosmans: “Intra (4D) and Interfraction CT/PET imaging of lung cancer patients� Degree: PhD Medical Sciences, Universiteit Maastricht, The Netherlands, 2007-2008.
- S. Huy, Committee member for position as Associate Professor at the University of Minnesota, USA, June 2007.
- S. Spiessens: “Dosimetric evaluation of cone beam CT imaging techniques in radiotherapy for head&neck patients with thermoluminescent detectors� Degree: Gediplomeerde in Gespecialiseerde Studie Medical Radiation Physics, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, 2006-2007.
- Expert reviewer AICR (ASSOCIAZIONE ITALIANA PER LA RICERCA SUL CANCRO) grant applications 2011: “Validation of real time tumor tracking models with four-dimensional magnetic resonance imaging�
- Expert reviewer for the ASTRO IGRT White Paper (Assuring Quality and Safety in Image-guided Radiation Therapy) published in the Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys, 2011
- Expert reviewer for the Institut National du Cancer, Programme hospitalier de recherche Clinique en cancérologie (PHRC Cancer 2012): “Stereotactic radiotherapy for paediatric recurrent intracranial ependymomas after previous radiation therapy�
- University of Dublin, Trinity College School of Medicine, theses review B.Sc. Radiotherapy: 2011-2012 (16 in total).
- D. Van Rooijen: “Improving radiation dose delivery for moving targets using image guidance� Degree: PhD Medical Physics, University of Amsterdam, 2012
- C.L. Ong: “Volumetric modulated arc therapy for stereotactic body radiotherapy: planning considerations, delivery accuracy and efficiency.� Degree: PhD Medical Sciences, VU University Medical Centre Amsterdam, 2012.
- N. Agazaryan, Committee member for position as Associate Professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, (UCLA), USA. June 2006.
- B. De Smedt: “Development of a Monte Carlo dose engine for IMRT treatment planning� Degree: PhD Medical Sciences, Universiteit Gent, Belgium, 2005-2006
- W. Duthoy: “Intensity modulated radiation therapy and arc therapy: validation and evolution as applied to tumors of the head and neck, abdominal and pelvic regions.� Degree: PhD Medical Sciences, Universiteit Gent, Belgium, 2005-2006.
- Committee member: Bioscience Yorkshire Enterprise Fellowship, A. Wislon, “Development of spectroscopic phantom gels for cancer therapy�, June 2005.
- K. Vergote: “Development of polymer gel dosimetry for applications in intensity-modulated radiotherapy� Degree: PhD Medical Sciences, Universiteit Gent, Belgium, 2004-2005.
- A. Swinnen: “Quality assurance in radiotherapy at the patient level: the potential of film and mailed in vivo thermoluminescence dosimetry� Degree: PhD Medical Physics, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, 2004-2005
- P.A.A. Kassinda: “The role of magnetic resonance imaging in the radiotherapy of the treatment of prostate cancer� Degree: PhD Medical Physics, University of Hull, UK, 2003-2004
- Committee member: Dutch Cancer Society, Grant application by Prof. dr. ir. J.J.W. Lagendijk, “ To investigate daily on-line MRI anatomy observation in image guided radiotherapy�, July 2003.
- F.G. Claus: “Intensity modulated radiation therapy for ethmoid sinus cancer� Degree: PhD Medical Sciences, Universiteit Gent, Belgium, 2001-2002
- C. Martens: “Experimentele dosimetrie voor de ondersteuning en verificatie van intensiteitsgemoduleerde radiothrapie� Degree: PhD Medical Sciences, Universiteit Gent, Belgium, 2001-2002
- S. Makkat: “Evolution of ischemic penumbra in acute stroke – a correlative study of early MR imaging findings with evolution of infarct� Degree: Master in Medical and Pharmaceutical Research, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium, 2001-2001.
- L. Struelens: “Kwaliteitscontrole in de eerstelijns radiology in ontwikkelingslanden� Degree: Gediplomeerde in Gespecialiseerde Studie in de Biomedische en Klinische Ingenieurstechnieken, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium, 1999-2000
- F. Van den Heuvel, committee member for position as Associate Professor, Wayne State University, Detroit, USA. June 1999
- P. Droesch: “Etude de methodes de contrôle de la qualité des images de systèmes électroniques d’imagerie portal� Degree: DES en Physique Médicale, Université de Liège, Belgium, 1999-2000
- Y. De Deene, evaluation for tenure to Associate Professor in the School of Physics at the University of Sydney, May 2012
- JJ Sonke: Evaluation for tenure to Associate Professor, Nederlands Kanker Instituut (NKI), Amsterdam, 2014
- University of Dublin, Trinity College School of Medicine, theses review B.Sc. Radiotherapy: 2012-2013 (25 in total)
- Expert reviewer, JJ Sonke: Evaluation for tenure to Associate Professor, Nederlands Kanker Instituut (NKI), Amsterdam, 2014