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Laura Jacobs
- Disciplines:Applied sociology, Policy and administration, Social psychology, Social stratification, Social theory and sociological methods, Sociology of life course, family and health, Other sociology and anthropology
- Centre for Sociological Research (Research unit)
From1 Feb 2017 → 30 Sep 2017 - Centre for Political Research (Research unit)
From1 Dec 2012 → 31 Jan 2017
1 - 10 of 21
- The impact of immigration news on anti-immigrant party support: unpacking agenda-setting and issue ownership effects over time(2021)
Authors: Laura Jacobs
Pages: 97 - 118 - Trial and error: hate speech prosecution and its (unintended) effects on democratic support(2020)
Authors: Laura Jacobs
Pages: 143 - 166 - The Battle of Frame Building: The Reciprocal Relationship between Journalists and Frame Sponsors(2020)
Authors: Laura Jacobs
Pages: 674 - 698 - Coming out of the closet, also on the news? A longitudinal content analysis of patterns in visibility, tone and framing of LGBTs on television news (1986-2017)(2020)
Authors: Laura Jacobs, Cecil Meeusen
Pages: 1 - 25 - Prosecuted, yet popular? Hate speech prosecution of anti-immigration politicians in the news and electoral support(2020)
Authors: Laura Jacobs
Pages: 899 - 924 - Public television and anti-immigrant sentiments in Europe. A multilevel analysis of patterns in television consumption(2020)
Authors: Laura Jacobs, Marc Hooghe
Pages: 156 - 175 - Tone and Threats on Television Over Time: A Longitudinal Analysis of News About Roma in Flanders (2003-2017)(2020)
Authors: Laura Jacobs
Pages: 46 - 68 - Martyrs for Free Speech? Disentangling the Effects of Legal Prosecution of Anti-immigration Politicians on their Electoral Support(2019)
Authors: Laura Jacobs
Pages: 973 - 996 - Combined Forces: Thinking and/or Feeling? How News Consumption Affects Anti-Muslim Attitudes through Perceptions and Emotions about the Economy(2019)
Authors: Laura Jacobs
Pages: 326 - 347 - Back to Reality: The Complex Relationship Between Patterns in Immigration News Coverage and Real-World Developments in Dutch and Flemish Newspapers (1999-2015)(2018)
Authors: Laura Jacobs, Alyt Damstra, Mark Boukes
Pages: 473 - 497