Calibration of bulk trap-assisted tunneling and Shockley-Read-Hall currents and impact on InGaAs tunnel-FETs KU LeuvenQuentin Smets, Anne Verhulst, Eddy Simoen, David Gundlach, Curt Richter, Nadine Collaert, Marc Heyns
A 0.6-V, 0.015-mm2, time-based ECG readout for ambulatory applications in 40-nm CMOS KU LeuvenRachit Mohan, Samira Zaliasl, Georges Gielen, Chris Van Hoof, Refet Firat Yazicioglu, Nick Van Helleputte
Securing the PRESENT Block Cipher Against Combined Side-Channel Analysis and Fault Attacks KU LeuvenThomas De Cnudde, Svetla Nikova
Analysis of Hollow Circular Polymer Waveguides at Millimeter Wavelengths KU LeuvenAlexander Standaert, Patrick Reynaert
Accounting for flexibility in power system planning with renewables KU LeuvenAndreas Belderbos, Erik Delarue
A Fully Integrated Transformer-Coupled Power Detector With 5 GHz RF PA for WLAN 802.11ac in 40 nm CMOS KU LeuvenBrecht Francois, Patrick Reynaert
Transformer-Based Doherty Power Amplifiers for mm-Wave Applications in 40-nm CMOS KU LeuvenErcan Kaymaksut, Dixian Zhao, Patrick Reynaert
Enhancing Dynamic Soft Sensors based on DPLS: a Temporal Smoothness Regularization Approach KU LeuvenC Shang, Xiaolin Huang, Johan Suykens, D Huang
Uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis in electrical machines with stochastically varying machine parameters KU LeuvenPeter Offermann, Hung Mac, Thu Trang Nguyen, Clénet Stéphane, Herbert De Gersem, Kay Hameyer
Development of a Communication Scheme for Wireless Power Applications With Moving Receivers KU LeuvenBart Thoen, Nobby Stevens