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Alea iacta est : insights from corpus semantics into the diachrony of the Latin passive Ghent University
The current study aims to shed more light on the dynamics involved in the changing form-function pairings in the Latin passive system. On the one hand, the ‘old’ construction for perfectum stem passives (e.g. cantatus est) experiences competition from an innovation (e.g. cantatus fuit) which specializes in the function of ANTERIORITY and survived as a PAST PERFECTIVE in Romance (e.g. Fr. il fut chanté). On the other hand, cantatus est gave rise ...
Multidimensionality in Livy's tense system : towards a functional systematicity of the Latin narrative tenses Ghent University
In this paper, Livy's use of the Latin narrative tenses is examined from a functionalist point of view. Assuming that three levels of meaning (referential, textual and interpersonal) potentially underlie paradigmatic choices in grammatical systems, "tense" and "aspect" are conceived of as three-dimensional categories related to the communicative intentions involved in the narrative tenses. Close-readings of episodes with that conception in mind ...
Servientia servanda : a functionalist and quantitative approach to the survival of grammatical aspect in the language of Gregory of Tours Ghent University
Interpreting grammatical aspect as a category that conveys meaning on three dimensions might serve to better understand and appreciate the semantic potential of the narrative tenses in Latin historiography. Similarly to Livy's, Gregory of Tours' language features a number of 'tense uses' where aspect plays a decisive role. However, the rise of morphological innovations (e.g. deletus fuerat) reveals processes of specialization of the old ...
Latin tense and aspect in 3D : a corpus-based, systemic functional description of the narrative tenses in the language of Livy and Gregory of Tours Ghent University
Per varia ad classica : klassieke grammatica herhalen en remediëren met niet-klassieke teksten Ghent University
Cotextual cues for the annotation of perspective in Livy's Ab Urbe condita Ghent University
The current paper examines the statistical correlation between a number of cotextual cues and the latent variable of perspective in a corpus of episodes taken from Livy's narrative. The possible perspectives (external, internal, scenic camera-eye, immersive eyewitness and distanced eyewitness; cf. "focalization" in narratological studies) featured in Latin historiographical narratives are introduced and hypothesized to co-occur with a number of ...
A three-dimensional, systemic functional analysis of tense usage in Gregory of Tours’ Decem libri historiarum Ghent University
The current paper investigates the three-dimensional meaning potential of the Late Latin narrative tenses. The grammatical categories ‘tense’ and ‘aspect’ are hypothesized to express meaning on the three metafunctional levels posited by Systemic Functional Linguistics. Combinations of their ideational and textual dimensions can be used to classify the various ‘traditional labels’ proposed in the literature on the Latin tenses. Interpersonal ...
De Latijnse werkwoordstijden in 3D : over authentiek interpreteren en taalbewustzijn stimuleren Ghent University
The current paper defends the existence of aspect in Latin by proposing a three-dimensional (SFL-inspired) interpretation of both aspect and tense. The traditional usage labels of the tenses can all be framed within the framework proposed in this paper. Moreover, the interpersonal meaning of perspective, similar to focalization, adds an important interpretation of many tenses and their textual surroundings. The ultimate tense choice in ...
Tense, aspect and Aktionsart in Classical Latin : towards a new approach Ghent University
This paper introduces the framework for a new project on the categories of tense, aspect and Aktionsart in Latin. In the first section, the relevant concepts are defined in terms of general linguistics. The second section provides an overview of the existing theories regarding the verb system and the categories of tense and aspect in Latin. Their shortcomings are listed while the strong points serve as the basis for the development of the ...