The Nature of Time in Operational Reality Vrije Universiteit Brussel
A Quantum Mechanical Analysis of Time and Motion in Relativity Theory Vrije Universiteit Brussel
proach is taken in this work, making use of the extra operational depth offered by this approach, to show that the construction of spacetime is spe-
cific to each observer. What is usually referred to as the block universe then emerges by noting that parts of the past and future are also contained in
the ...
Development of a Thermodynamics of Human Cognition and Human Culture Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Inspired by foundational studies in classical and quantum physics, and by information retrieval studies in quantum information theory, we prove that the notions of 'energy' and 'entropy' can be consistently introduced in human language and, more generally, in human culture. More explicitly, if energy is attributed to words according to their frequency of appearance in a text, then the ensuing energy levels are distributed non-classically, ...
When Bertlmann Wears No Socks. Common Causes Induced by Measurements as an Explanation for Quantum Correlations Vrije Universiteit Brussel
It is well known that correlations produced by common causes in the past cannot violate Bell’s inequalities. This was emphasized by Bell in his celebrated example of Bertlmann’s socks. However, if common causes are induced by the very measurement process i.e., actualized at each run of a joint measurement, in a way that depends on the type of joint measurement that is being executed (hence, the common causes are contextually actualized), the ...
Entanglement as a Method to Reduce Uncertainty Vrije Universiteit Brussel
In physics, entanglement ‘reduces’ the entropy of an entity, because the (von Neumann) qentropy of, e.g., a composite bipartite entity in a pure entangled state is systematically lower than the entropy of the component sub-entities. We show here that this ‘genuinely non-classical reduction of entropy as a result of composition’ also holds whenever two concepts combine in human cognition and, more generally, it is valid in human culture. On ...
The Nature of Time in Relativistic Operational Reality Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Probing the Meaning of Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Quantum theory is perhaps our best confirmed theory for a description of the physical properties of nature. On top of demonstrating great empirical effectiveness, many technological developments in the 20th century (such as the interpretation of the periodic table of elements, CD players, holograms, and quantum state teleportation) were only made possible with Quantum theory. Despite its success in the past decades, even today it still ...