HICSS-57: Process mining using Electronic Health Records data - quo vadis? Reflections from observing nurses' activities and data registration behavior Hasselt University
Deciphering hidden inheritance patterns using advanced data mining techniques on high throughput genomic data. University of Antwerp
Deciphering hidden inheritance patterns using advanced data mining techniques on high throughput genomic data. University of Antwerp
Methodologies and Data mining techniques for the analysis of Big Data based on Longitudinal Population and Epidemiological Registers KU Leuven
European societies face rapid social changes, challenges and benefits, which can be studied with traditional tools of analysis, but with serious limitations. This rapid transformation covers changes in family forms, fertility, the decline of mortality and increase of longevity, and periods of economic and social instability. Owing to population ageing across Europe, countries are now experiencing the impact of these rapid changes on the ...
Ion mobility assisted Data Independent Acquisition of the histone code: opening up peptide-centric data mining. Ghent University
Histone proteins are intimately associated with DNA to form the chromatin. Epigenetic posttranslational modifications (PTM) on histones regulate transcription in all Eukaryotes. Here, we will apply the latest in bottom-up mass spectrometry data independent acquisition (DIA) to simultaneously map hundreds of PTM combinations in a quantitative manner and to generate a first birdU+2019s eye view of the so-called histone code.
Efficient mining for unexpected patterns in complex biological data. University of Antwerp
Modelling Relational Data Mining KU Leuven
The goal of data mining is to discover new knowledge in the data. This
thesis studies a number of relational data mining problems and
demonstrates how they can be modelled and solved. Relational data
mining involves dealing with complex and interconnected data, such as
spreadsheets or relational tables in databases.
Specifically, we follow a general, declarative, view on a
class of relational ...
Principles of Pattern Set Mining for structured data. University of Antwerp
Formalizing Subjective Interestingness in Exploratory Data Mining Ghent University
The rate at which research labs, enterprises and governments accumulate data is high and fast increasing. Often, these data are collected for no specific purpose, or they turn out to be useful for unanticipated purposes: Companies constantly look for new ways to monetize their customer databases; Governments mine various databases to detect tax fraud; Security agencies mine and cross-associate numerous heterogeneous information streams from ...