Screening for the risk for long-term sickness absence: development & validation of a questionnaire to support re-integration KU Leuven
The center for environment and health examines the impact of environmental factors such as occupational health. An important part of this research is the prevention of long-term sickness absence. In this context, a questionnaire will be developed and implemented to promote rehabilitation and to standardise the follow-up procedure of sick-listed persons. The questionnaire will be administered to the sick listed ...
Development and validation of a questionnaire to assess burnout KU Leuven
The Validation of the Young Schema Questionnaire. Focus on early maladaptive schemas and their relationship with eating and substance use disorder symptoms KU Leuven
In 1990, Jeffrey Young developed the concept of early maladaptive schemas (EMS) to account for the dysfunctional beliefs in individuals with chronic characterological problems. He developed the Schema-Focused Cognitive Therapy to treat these conditions (Young, 1990). Schema Therapy, as it is now called, has been increasingly applied in patient samples with several psychiatric disorders, such as mood disorders, eating disorders ...
The development of a questionnaire to detect reading motivation based on existing research and validated tests. University of Antwerp
The questionnaire about the experiences with and expectations of parents with children with specific care needs regarding formal childcare Ghent University
Annual questionnaire of Belgian enterprises dealing with financing of small and medium-sized enterprises. University of Antwerp
The Need for Controllability and Predictability questionnaire: Psychometric properties and first findings in a clinical sample Hasselt University
When less is more: Two innovative approaches to shortening Experience Sampling questionnaires for Just-in-Time Adaptive Interventions KU Leuven
Mental health disorders affect a substantial portion of the global population. Just-in-Time Adaptive Interventions (JITAIs) leverage digital technology to provide real-time treatment for individuals facing mental health challenges. The experience sampling method (ESM), in which participants respond to repeated short questionnaires during their normal daily routines, is the method of choice to identify JITAI targets. However, impaired data ...
Art perception and appreciation in galleries and museums: Multi-method studies with a focus on mobile eye-tracking and questionnaires KU Leuven
Research in empirical aesthetics has mainly been limited to laboratory experiments or large-scale online studies, presenting natural images (photographs of outdoor or indoor scenes) or images of paintings to convenience samples (mainly students or Amazon Mechanical Turk workers). Everyone realizes that the insights gained from such studies are quite limited in terms of their generalizability to the sometimes really deep ...