Failure or relapse predictors for the STREAM Stage 1 short regimen for RR-TB Institute of Tropical Medicine
BACKGROUND: STREAM (Standardised Treatment Regimens of Anti-tuberculosis drugs for Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis) Stage 1 demonstrated non-inferior efficacy of a short regimen for rifampicin-resistant TB (RR-TB) compared to a long regimen as recommended by the WHO. The present paper analyses factors associated with a definite or probable failure or relapse (FoR) event in participants receiving the Short regimen.
METHODS: This ...
Psychometric evaluation of a new drug-resistant tuberculosis stigma scale Institute of Tropical Medicine
OBJECTIVES: Stigma contributes to diagnostic delay, disease concealment, and reduced wellbeing for people with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) and their communities. Despite the negative effects of stigma, there are no scales to measure stigma in people with MDR-TB. This study aimed to develop and validate a scale to measure stigma in people affected by MDR-TB in Vietnam.
Clustering of leprosy beyond the household level in a highly endemic setting on the Comoros, an observational study Institute of Tropical Medicine
The island of Anjouan (Comoros) is highly endemic for leprosy with an annual incidence of 5-10/10,000. In May/June, 2015 single-dose Rifampicin post-exposure prophylaxis (SDR-PEP) was administered to 269 close contacts of 70 leprosy-patients in four villages as a pilot programmatic intervention. Two years later we revisited the villages for follow-up investigations. The main aim of our study was to quantify spatial ...
Protocol, rationale and design of BE-PEOPLE (Bedaquiline enhanced exposure prophylaxis for LEprosy in the Comoros): a cluster randomized trial on effectiveness of rifampicin and bedaquiline as post-exposure prophylaxis of leprosy contacts Institute of Tropical Medicine
BACKGROUND: Leprosy is an ancient infectious disease with an annual global incidence of around 200,000 over the past decade. Since 2018, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends single-dose rifampicin as post-exposure prophylaxis (SDR-PEP) for contacts of leprosy patients. The Post ExpOsure Prophylaxis for Leprosy (PEOPLE) trial evaluated PEP with a double dose of rifampicin in Comoros and Madagascar. Preliminary results of this trial ...
Suivi du premier cas d'infection à Mycobacterium ulcerans confirmé par culture, PCR et génotypage en République du Congo-Brazzaville Ghent University
Eradication of chronic methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infection in cystic fibrosis patients. An observational prospective cohort study of 11 patients Vrije Universiteit Brussel
BACKGROUND: Chronic airway infection with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) is an increasing clinical problem, and therapeutic options are limited. Because chronic infection with MRSA can be associated with accelerated decline in lung function, eradication of MRSA is attempted in most CF centres today. The aim of this observational prospective cohort study was to determine whether it is ...