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Crime and the city : conservations with Els Enhus Ghent University
Crime concentrations and micro places : an empirical test of the 'law of crime concentration at places' in Belgium Ghent University
This study examines the extent to which crime concentrations occur at micro places, in order to test Weisburd's law of crime concentration at places, in two large Belgian cities. Police-registered crime data for the period 2004-2012 were used. Analyses were conducted at the grid level (using 200 meters by 200 meters grid cells), as a proxy for behavior settings. This study assesses Weisburd's theoretical proposition and by (partly) replicating ...
Fear of the dark. The potential impact of reduced street lighting on crime and fear of crime Vrije Universiteit Brussel
How concentrated are police on crime? A spatiotemporal analysis of the concentration of police presence and crime University of Antwerp Ghent University
Research Question: What were the spatiotemporal patterns of police patrol in a major European city across the pre-COVID year of 2019, how did these patterns change over time, and to what extent did the concentrations of patrol correspond to concentrations of crimes? Data: We analyzed more than 77 million GPS signals from 130 police patrol cars showing where and when police patrols were present in police districts and street segments. We also ...
Does crime (n)ever skip a beat? A temporal concentration analysis of crime at micro places and the ambient population Ghent University
The present study examines the temporal concentration of different crime types in Ghent, Belgium, between 2007-2018. Police-registered data on residential burglary, aggressive theft, battery incidents, car theft, theft out of car and bicycle theft are used to explore daily and weekly crime cycles by constructing crime heartbeats (Prieto Curiel, 2023) to detect moments with higher and lower intensity of crime events. In doing so, this study not ...
The role of the discourses on space in the motivations and recidivism of crime. The case of belgian armed robbers. Vrije Universiteit Brussel
In the dominant approaches of crime, the city and the neighborhood are studied as a context with structural characteristics producing differential power positions. These positions are seen as the basis for the development of identity like 'working class', 'woman', 'ethnic group', etc.. Moving away from thinking identity as static, essential categories favored research on the experiences and relationships with the city and neighborhoods of ...
Chair Plenary Session: The spatial asymmetry of the police. The geographical anchoring of the police and the delocalisation of crime and disorder Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Chair plenary session 'The spatial asymmetry of the police. The geographical anchoring of the police and the delocalisation of crime and disorder'
Social disorganization, social capital, collective efficacy and the spatial distribution of crime and offenders Ghent University
Six different social disorganization models of neighbourhood crime and offender rates were tested using data from multiple sources in the city of The Hague, in the Netherlands. The sources included a community survey among 3,575 residents in 86 neighbourhoods measuring the central concepts of the six models. The data were aggregated to ecologically reliable neighbourhood measures and combined with census data. Crime rates and offender rates were ...