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Victimization in prison. A study of victimization and prison climate dimensions in Belgian prisons KU Leuven
Digitalisation in prison : an exploratory study of living and working in prisons in Belgium Ghent University
Background: Prisons in Belgium are increasingly affected by the digital turn, which challenges living and working in it. Initiatives include e-learning, in-cell telephone, and a video call-project. Newly opened prisons in Belgium even run a digital platformfor prisoners, called PrisonCloud. So far, research studying digitalisation in prison is scarce. The aim of this research is therefore to assess how prisoners’ access to and use of digital ...
Prison Food Identity, Meaning, Practices, and Symbolism in European Prisons Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Based on the lived experiences of incarcerated persons and staff, this book explores the symbolic significance of prison foodways to normalization, autonomy, identity construction, power, group formation and security. The book also traces the rationalization(s) that policy makers attach to prison food, from the water and bread diet of the 18th century, the contested abolition of alcohol consumption, to the current fear surrounding the spread of ...
Dilemmas behind bars: A realist evaluation of an ethics training program for prison officers in two Belgian prisons KU Leuven
In this doctoral dissertation, the researcher will carry out an evaluation of an integrity program aimed at improving the ethical behavior of staff involved in the criminal justice system. Integrity programs are increasingly designed and adopted by organizations in various sectors and aim at tackling unethical behavior and stimulating ethical behavior of managers and employees of the organization. Such integrity programs can consist of various ...
Prison capacity, prison population and prison staff: quantitative evoluties Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Hoeveel gevangenissen zijn er in België, hoeveel gedetineerden telt België en hoeveel mensen werken er in de gevangenissen? Deze vragen staan centraal in dit hoofdstuk.
Where two ‘exceptional’ prison cultures meet: Negotiating order in a transnational prison Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Can a prison in the Netherlands, that is neither ‘Dutch’ nor ‘Norwegian’, be ‘legitimate?’ What are the moral challenges? Our study of the controversial Norgerhaven project—a Norwegian prison located in the Netherlands—found that this ‘experiment’ generated one of the most reflexive, ‘deliberative’ prisons we have encountered. Officials involved in the decision assumed that the two jurisdictions were alike in their values. Few were prepared for ...
Prisoners' participation and involvement in prison life in the prison of Ghent Vrije Universiteit Brussel
To investigate the participation initiatives that exist in the prison of Ghent, the surplus value of this, who participates, and the preconditions to realise prisoners’ participation and involvement in prison life, 11 focus groups were conducted with prisoners and professionals. The results demonstrate that not only formally organised projects but also several informal initiatives exist. Classifying the initiatives in the pyramid of citizen ...
Locking out emotions in locking up older prisoners? Emotional labour of Belgian prison officers and prison nurses Vrije Universiteit Brussel
This contribution looks at the emotional labour of prison professionals in the wake of an increasing number of older adults populating this institution. The rationale behind this selective focus is twofold. Firstly, the topic of ageing behind bars has only received scant attention, even though this phenomenon is also increasingly penetrating prison walls. Secondly, little attention has been paid to the performance of emotional labour by ...