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Het ruimterapport 2018 : het ruimtelijk patroon van Vlaanderen ontrafeld = Spatial patterns in Flanders analysed in RURA 2018 Ghent University
Het Instrumentendecreet en het Decreet Woonreservegebieden: een (kritische) reflectie Hasselt University
Doctoraal onderzoeker administratief recht Universiteit Hasselt, FWO-project InnoFINS Laura Th ewis Advocaat bij LAND Advocaten Loth Van der Auwermeulen Doctoraal onderzoeker administratief recht Universiteit Hasselt I. Inleiding 1. Vlaanderen vormt een klein en dichtbevolkt gebied waarin verschillende functies en bestemmingen met elkaar (moeten) worden verzoend. Al sinds 2017 is er een grotere aandacht ont-staan voor duurzaamheid en het ...
Report on Spatial Development and Changes in Flanders2021 - chapter 7 - Conclusions for environmental thinking Departement of spatial development, environment, energy, climate, green economy, animal welfare
Our physical environment is made up of layers, stocks and flows. In order to use this environment use the environment sustainably and maintain its quality
we must respect the boundaries of that system. This not only concerns spatial boundaries, but also ecological and socio-cultural boundaries. Environmental Thinking integrates these different aspects of our environment and allows us to think about about social developments within the ...
we must respect the boundaries of that system. This not only concerns spatial boundaries, but also ecological and socio-cultural boundaries. Environmental Thinking integrates these different aspects of our environment and allows us to think about about social developments within the ...
Report on Spatial Development and Changes in Flanders2021 - Chapter 3 - Protecting Natural Capital Departement of spatial development, environment, energy, climate, green economy, animal welfare
The term "natural capital" refers to the stock of all renewable and non-renewable resources: raw materials, soil, water, air... which together provide a range of benefits to humans. Just think of food production, energy or building materials. Due to intensive use, the pressure on natural capital is very high and the balance threatens to tip towards unavailability, degradation or exhaustion. In order to a balance between the supply of nature and ...
Report on Spatial Development and Changes in Flanders2021 - Chapter 6 - Transforming the Built Environment Sustainably Departement of spatial development, environment, energy, climate, green economy, animal welfare
Built-up space is the counterpart of open space. It consists of the land take plus the area of cores. This means that parks and gardens also belong to the built-up space, even if there is no building on them. Social evolutions such as demographics, housing requirements and economic trends constantly demand a transformation of the built-up space. In order to protect open space (Chapter 3), we aim to accommodate these evolutions within the ...
Report on Spatial Development and Changes in Flanders2021 - Chapter 5 - Ensuring healthy living environments Departement of spatial development, environment, energy, climate, green economy, animal welfare
People's daily living environment has a significant impact on their physical and mental health. That environment is determined by the social and economic context and the physical living environment. Spatial policy, which orders the physical living environment, therefore has a substantial impact on our health. Just think of high quality housing, attractive public spaces and greenery, sufficient facilities, healthy mobility, etc. We define a ...
Report on Spatial Development and Changes in Flanders2021 - Chapter 1 - Key concepts and spatial typologies Departement of spatial development, environment, energy, climate, green economy, animal welfare
The Report on Spatial Development and Changes in Flanders2021 describes and analyzes thesituation on the basis of the available, most
recent and relevant knowledge and figures. This has led to
into 7 chapters, each with its own angle: key concepts, instruments, protecting natural capital, making flows sustainable healthy living environment, transforming built transforming built-up space sustainably and a final chapter
chapter on ...
recent and relevant knowledge and figures. This has led to
into 7 chapters, each with its own angle: key concepts, instruments, protecting natural capital, making flows sustainable healthy living environment, transforming built transforming built-up space sustainably and a final chapter
chapter on ...