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Additional file 1: of Six weeks of strength endurance training decreases circulating senescence-prone T-lymphocytes in cytomegalovirus seropositive but not seronegative older women

Table S1. Linear regression analysis of the association between the levels of baseline CMV IgG and the absolute counts of the senescence-prone T-cells, adjusted for age. Note: CMV = cytomegalovirus; SEB = standard error of the unstandardized regression coefficient. Table S2. Linear regression analysis of the association between the levels of baseline CMV IgG and the proportion of the senescence-prone T-cells, adjusted for age. Note: CMV = cytomegalovirus; SEB = standard error of the unstandardized regression coefficient. Table S3. Percentage and absolute counts of T-cell subsets at baseline in the different intervention groups with respect to CMV serostatus. Note: The values denote median (Interquartile range). CMV = cytomegalovirus; SPC = senescence-prone cells; IST = intensive strength training; SET = strength-endurance training; CON = control. T-cell subsets were expressed as percentages within the CD3 + CD8+ or CD3 + CD8− T-cells or absolute number of cells in peripheral blood (cells/ÎźL). aResults of Kruskal-Wallis test. Table S4. Training-induced changes in the absolute counts of CD8− T-cell phenotypes at 6 weeks compared to baseline among the different intervention groups in CMV seropositive participants. Table S5. Training-induced changes in the absolute counts of T-cell subsets among the different intervention groups in CMV seronegative participants. Table S6. Training-induced changes in the percentage of T-cell subsets among the different intervention groups in CMV seronegative participants. Table S7. Detailed description of exercise interventions. Note: 1RM = one repetition maximum. (ZIP 102 kb)
Jaar van publicatie:2019
Formaat:zip, docx
Trefwoorden: community-dwelling older women, cytomegalovirus infection, immunosenescence, T-lymphocytes, exercise, strength endurance training