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Jean De Greve

  • Onderzoeksexpertise:
    • R&D management training.
    • Public Understanding of Science. Understanding of the dynamic relationships between scientific research and society; more specifically the complex interactions between research disciplines, researchers and different publics.
    • Evaluator of Science in Society projects, science education projects and science popularization projects
    • Visitation of educational programmes
  • Trefwoorden:Informatie- en communicatietechnologie, Aardwetenschappen en aardrijkskunde, Wiskunde, Algemene en logistieke diensten
  • Disciplines:Hoogenergetische astrofysica, astrodeeltjesfysica en kosmische stralen
  • Gebruikers van onderzoeksexpertise:
    • R&D management training.
    • Public Understanding of Science. Understanding of the dynamic relationships between scientific research and society; more specifically the complex interactions between research disciplines, researchers and different publics.
    • Evaluator of Science in Society projects, science education projects and science popularization projects
    • Visitation of educational programmes