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Verrijking van geleidend anaëroob korrelslib voor verbeterde methaanproductie

Anaerobic digestion (AD) has a great industrial application potential in wastewater treatment. Interspecies electron transfer (IET) can facilitate the transfer of oxidation products from syntrophic bacteria to methanogens which will promote syntrophic fatty acids oxidization and break through the internal energy barrier to maintain enhanced methane formation. However, when IET is not optimal, volatile fatty acid (VFAs) produced by syntrophic bacteria can accumulate and cause reactor failure. Therefore, research on enhancing IET in the reactor is crucial to improve the overall efficiency of the process. Direct interspecies electron transfer (DIET) reduces energy consumption when hydrogen or formic acid is used as interspecies electron carrier, is not restricted by diffusion rate and hydrogen partial pressure and has a higher electron transfer efficiency compared to mediated IET (MIET). The main goal of the study is to achieve enhanced DIET during AD by enriching high-efficiency anaerobic granular sludge with conductive materials, and gain insights in the mechanisms governing these phenomena.

Datum:9 dec 2020 →  Heden
Trefwoorden:Direct interspecies electron transfer, Anaerobic digestion, Conductive materials, Anaerobic granular sludge
Project type:PhD project