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Storage of respiratory produce

A method and system for storage of respiratory produce includes a storage environment, a gas analyze, a CO2 scrubber, a gas sampling pump, a gas pump for the scrubber, an air supply, an N2 supply and valves for flow control. The control system is a software assisted measurement system and control algorithm that takes into account the gas exchange dynamics of both the produce and the storage environment and a mathematical model for determining the actual respiratory and fermentative rates of the produce. The system is suitable for low oxygen storage of respiratory produce.
Octrooi-publicatienummer: US9314040
Jaar aanvraag: 2011
Jaar toekenning: 2016
Jaar van publicatie: 2016
Status: Toegewezen
Technologiedomeinen: Controle, Levensmiddelenchemie, Andere speciale apparaten
Gevalideerd voor IOF-sleutel: Ja
Toegewezen aan: Associatie KULeuven