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Alice Cavolo
- Disciplines:Evolutiebiologie, Algemene biologie, Sociaal-medische wetenschappen, Theorie en methodologie in de filosofie, Filosofie, Ethiek, Andere filosofie, ethiek en religiestudies niet elders geclassificeerd
- Interfacultair Centrum voor Biomedische Ethiek en Recht (Onderzoeksinstituut)
Vanaf15 aug 2017 → Heden
1 - 2 of 2
- Niet starten en/of staken van levensverlengende medische behandelingen in de pediatrie: een ethische analyseVanaf22 feb 2021 → HedenFinanciering: Eigen Middelen zoals patrimonium, inschrijvingsgelden, giften, ....
- Besluitvorming over starten/niet starten van behandeling bij extreme vroeggeboorte: een klinisch-ethische studieVanaf1 okt 2018 → 30 sep 2022Financiering: FWO mandaten
1 - 10 van 21
- Doctor-Parent Disagreement for Preterm Infants Born in the Grey Zone: Do Ethical Frameworks Help?(2024)
Auteurs: Alice Cavolo, Gunnar Naulaers, Bernadette Dierckx de Casterlé, Chris Gastmans
- Expanding the ethical debate on human artificial placenta trials(2024)
Auteurs: Alice Cavolo, Daniel Pizzolato
- Overcoming (false) dichotomies to address ethical issues of artificial placentas(2024)
Auteurs: Alice Cavolo
Pagina's: 308 - 309 - Chinese and Belgian pediatricians' perspectives toward pediatric palliative care: an online survey(2024)
Auteurs: Alice Cavolo, Veerle Labarque, Bernadette Dierckx de Casterlé, Chris Gastmans
- Ethical reflections on organizing the first human trial of artificial womb technologies(2024)
Auteurs: Alice Cavolo, Daniel Pizzolato
Pagina's: 336 - 342 - No Means No: Respecting Dignity as the Fourth Principle of Ethical Data Extraction(2023)
Auteurs: Alice Cavolo
Pagina's: 59 - 60 - More qualitative research is needed to unpack the complexities of resuscitation decisions for preterm infants(2023)
Auteurs: Alice Cavolo, Chris Gastmans
Pagina's: 2247 - 2247 - Physicians' attitudes and experiences about withholding/withdrawing life-sustaining treatments in pediatrics: a systematic review of quantitative evidence(2023)
Auteurs: Alice Cavolo, Veerle Labarque, Chris Gastmans
- Assent: going beyond acknowledgement for fair inclusion(2023)
Auteurs: Alice Cavolo, Chris Gastmans
Pagina's: 487 - 488 - Resuscitation thresholds were seen as guidance by Belgian neonatologists and other relevant factors were included in decision-making(2023)
Auteurs: Alice Cavolo, Chris Gastmans
Pagina's: 1395 - 1397