- Developing an integrated framework to promote community participation in health systems with special reference to Uganda(2022)
Auteurs: Moses Mulumba, Gorik Ooms, Kristien Roelens
- Decolonizing health governance : a Uganda case study on the influence of political history on community participation(2021)
Auteurs: Moses Mulumba, Ana Lorena Ruano, Katrina Perehudoff, Gorik Ooms
Pagina's: 259 - 271
- UHC2030's contributions to global health governance that advance the right to health care : a preliminary assessment(2019)
Auteurs: Rachel Hammonds, Gorik Ooms, Moses Mulumba, Allan Maleche
Pagina's: 235 - 249
- The right to health : from citizen's right to human right (and back)(2019)
Auteurs: Gorik Ooms, Ines Keygnaert, R Hammonds
Pagina's: 99 - 104
- Aiming for synergies between global health security and global health equity, with help from a Framework Convention on Global Health(2019)
Auteurs: Gorik Ooms, Albrecht Jahn, Richard Parker, Jonathan García
Pagina's: 181 - 187
- Synergies and tensions between universal health coverage and global health security : why we need a second ‘Maximizing Positive Synergies’ initiative(2017)
Auteurs: Gorik Ooms, Claudia Beiersman, Walter Flores, Johanna Hanefeld, Olaf Müller, Moses Mulumba, Trygve Ottersen, Malabika Sarker, Albrecht Jahn
- Global health governance in the sustainable development goals : is it grounded in the right to health?(2017)
Auteurs: Remco Van de Pas, Peter S Hill, Rachel Hammonds, Gorik Ooms, Lisa Forman, Attiya Waris, Claire E Brolan, Martin McKee, Devi Sridhar
Pagina's: 47 - 60
- Global constitutionalism, applied to global health governance : uncovering legitimacy deficits and suggesting remedies(2016)
Auteurs: Gorik Ooms, Rachel Hammonds
- What do core obligations under the right to health bring to universal health coverage?(2016)
Auteurs: Lisa Forman, Claudia Beiersmann, Claire E Brolan, Martin McKee, Rachel Hammonds, Gorik Ooms
Pagina's: 23 - 34
- Of politicians and technocrats, and why global health scholars are inevitably a bit of both : a response to recent commentaries(2016)
Auteurs: Gorik Ooms
Pagina's: 449 - 450