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Jerich Faddar

  • Onderzoeksexpertise  (Vrije Universiteit Brussel):

    Jerich Faddar is an assistant professor affiliated with the department of Educational Sciences of the Free University of Brussels (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) – Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences. His research interests are situated at the crossroads of educational effectiveness, international large-scale assessments, (impact of) educational innovations and educational measurement. In particular, he is interested in the use of information and technology to inform and facilitate educational practices and quality assurance in education. He teaches courses on Educational effectiveness and Curriculum development, next to the courses Data analysis and Thesis seminars in the methodology line of the master programs Educational Sciences and Onderwijskunde.

  • Disciplines  (Vrije Universiteit Brussel):Ingenieurswetenschappen en technologie
  • Disciplines  (University of Antwerp):Onderwijscurriculum, Onderwijssystemen, Onderwijs, cultuur en maatschappij, Algemene pedagogische en onderwijswetenschappen, Onderwijskunde, Orthopedagogiek en onderwijs voor specifieke onderwijsbehoeften, Ouderschap en gezinseducatie, Specialistische studies in het onderwijs, Andere pedagogische en onderwijswetenschappen, Productontwikkeling, Andere sociale wetenschappen
  • Gebruikers van onderzoeksexpertise  (Vrije Universiteit Brussel):

    Jerich Faddar is an assistant professor affiliated with the department of Educational Sciences of the Free University of Brussels (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) – Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences. His research interests are situated at the crossroads of educational effectiveness, international large-scale assessments, (impact of) educational innovations and educational measurement. In particular, he is interested in the use of information and technology to inform and facilitate educational practices and quality assurance in education. He teaches courses on Educational effectiveness and Curriculum development, next to the courses Data analysis and Thesis seminars in the methodology line of the master programs Educational Sciences and Onderwijskunde.