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Myriam Halimi

  • Onderzoeksexpertise:

    Dr. Myriam Halimi is affiliate faculty to the Multidisciplinary Institute for Teacher Education and a member of the Center of Expertise Gender, Diversity and Intersectionality at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Her fields of interest and expertise are diversity studies, formal and informal education, and the (re)production of inequality. Myriam is currently active at the Flanders Arts Institute (Kunstenpunt) on diversity policy and development and at Rosa vzw as gender advisor and trainer.

    Myriam obtained her PhD in Educational Sciences in 2019 with her doctoral thesis: ‘Gender Under Pressure: The Construction, Evolution, and Measurement of Early Adolescent Gender Role Attitudes in School.’ She was affiliated to the IWT-project ‘Teaching in the bed of Procrustes’ and started as a PhD fellow of the Research Foundation Flanders (FWOTM773) in 2015. During her appointment she was involved in teaching and student guidance (BA Agogische Wetenschappen (Adult Educational Sciences), MA Educational Sciences, and Specific Teacher Training) as well as intra- and inter-university policy making.

    Myriam obtained a MA in Adult Educational Sciences (Training and Education) at Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium) in 2013. Her master thesis covered prisoners’ educational participation motives. During her BA in Adult Educational Sciences, she performed an internship at Uitstraling Permanente Vorming (UPV) vzw, a specialized training institution directed at disseminating and popularizing scientific findings.

  • Trefwoorden:Pedagogische wetenschappen en didactiek
  • Disciplines:Genderspecifieke studies, Secundair onderwijs, Sociologie van gender- en genderrelaties, Sociologie van het onderwijs, Socialisatie, Sociologie van kind, adolescentie en jeugd, Lerarenopleiding, Lerarenopleiding en professionele ontwikkeling van leerkrachten, Gender, seksualiteit en educatie
  • Gebruikers van onderzoeksexpertise:

    Dr. Myriam Halimi is affiliate faculty to the Multidisciplinary Institute for Teacher Education and a member of the Center of Expertise Gender, Diversity and Intersectionality at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Her fields of interest and expertise are diversity studies, formal and informal education, and the (re)production of inequality. Myriam is currently active at the Flanders Arts Institute (Kunstenpunt) on diversity policy and development and at Rosa vzw as gender advisor and trainer.

    Myriam obtained her PhD in Educational Sciences in 2019 with her doctoral thesis: ‘Gender Under Pressure: The Construction, Evolution, and Measurement of Early Adolescent Gender Role Attitudes in School.’ She was affiliated to the IWT-project ‘Teaching in the bed of Procrustes’ and started as a PhD fellow of the Research Foundation Flanders (FWOTM773) in 2015. During her appointment she was involved in teaching and student guidance (BA Agogische Wetenschappen (Adult Educational Sciences), MA Educational Sciences, and Specific Teacher Training) as well as intra- and inter-university policy making.

    Myriam obtained a MA in Adult Educational Sciences (Training and Education) at Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium) in 2013. Her master thesis covered prisoners’ educational participation motives. During her BA in Adult Educational Sciences, she performed an internship at Uitstraling Permanente Vorming (UPV) vzw, a specialized training institution directed at disseminating and popularizing scientific findings.