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Tamara Vanhaecke

  • Onderzoeksexpertise:

    Basic research related to the development of in vitro alternative methods:

    • Human liver-based in vitro models
    • Adult human skin-derived progenitor cells and their hepatic derivatives
    • DILI screening, including steatosis, phospholipidosis and acute liver failure
    • Flow cytometry-based high throughput screening of various hepatic cell models, for live/dead cell analysis, lipid and phospholipid accumulation
    • Microscopy-based high content analysis for lipid and mitochondrial deregulation analysis
    • Genotoxicant-specific qPCR array
    • Transcriptomics and metabolomics readouts and analysis
    • Risk assessment of consumer products
  • Trefwoorden:Farmacie, Algemene en logistieke diensten
  • Disciplines:Toxicogenomics, Gen- en moleculaire therapie, Hepatologie, Cel-, weefsel- en orgaan engineering, In vitro testen, Biomarker ontdekking, Compound screening, Stamcelbiologie
  • Gebruikers van onderzoeksexpertise:

    Basic research related to the development of in vitro alternative methods:

    • Human liver-based in vitro models
    • Adult human skin-derived progenitor cells and their hepatic derivatives
    • DILI screening, including steatosis, phospholipidosis and acute liver failure
    • Flow cytometry-based high throughput screening of various hepatic cell models, for live/dead cell analysis, lipid and phospholipid accumulation
    • Microscopy-based high content analysis for lipid and mitochondrial deregulation analysis
    • Genotoxicant-specific qPCR array
    • Transcriptomics and metabolomics readouts and analysis
    • Risk assessment of consumer products