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Vera Heininga
- Disciplines:Toegepaste wiskunde, Statistische en numerieke methoden, Toegepaste psychologie, Biologische en fysiologische psychologie, Algemene psychologie, Andere psychologie en cognitieve wetenschappen, Psychologische methoden
- Kwantitatieve Psychologie en Individuele Verschillen (Onderzoeksgroep)
Vanaf1 jan 2018 → 30 sep 2022
1 - 1 of 1
- Micro-mechanismen van anhedonie, en de gevolgen daarvan voor de toekomstige geestelijke gezondheid.Vanaf1 jan 2018 → 31 dec 2018Financiering: BOF - Andere acties
1 - 9 van 9
- Effect of Daily Life Reward Loop Functioning on the Course of Depression.(2023)
Auteurs: Vera Heininga
Pagina's: 734 - 746 - Tracking Infant Development With a Smartphone: A Practical Guide to the Experience Sampling Method(2021)
Auteurs: Vera Heininga
- Towards wide-scale adoption of open science practices: The role of open science communities(2021)
Auteurs: Vera Heininga
Pagina's: 605 - 611 - Psychopathology and positive emotions in daily life(2021)
Auteurs: Vera Heininga, Peter Kuppens
Pagina's: 10 - 18 - Personalized lifestyle advice alters affective reactivity to negative events in anhedonic young adults(2021)
Auteurs: Vera Heininga
Pagina's: 118 - 125 - A multiverse analysis of early attempts to replicate memory suppression with the Think/No-think Task(2020)
Auteurs: Vera Heininga
Pagina's: 870 - 887 - I Just Ran a Thousand Analyses: Benefits of Multiple Testing in Understanding Equivocal Evidence on Gene-Environment Interactions (vol 10, e0125383, 2015)(2019)
Auteurs: Vera Heininga, Albertine J Oldehinkel, Rene Veenstra, Esther Nederhof
- The dynamical signature of anhedonia in major depressive disorder: Positive emotion dynamics, reactivity, and recovery.(2019)
Auteurs: Vera Heininga, Egon Dejonckheere, Marlies Houben, Jasmien Obbels, Pascal Sienaert, Peter Kuppens
- Concurrent and Predictive Validity of the Instrument for Forensic Treatment Evaluation: From Risk Assessment to Routine, Multidisciplinary Treatment Evaluation(2018)
Auteurs: Vera Heininga, Stefan Bogaerts
Pagina's: 1281 - 1299