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Method for aligning micro-electronic components

Alignment of a first micro-electronic component to a receiving surface of a second micro-electronic component is realized by a capillary force-induced self-alignment, combined with an electrostatic alignment. The latter is accomplished by providing at least one first electrical conductor line along the periphery of the first component, and at least one second electrical conductor along the periphery of the location on the receiving surface of the second component onto which the component is to be placed. The contact areas surrounded by the conductor lines are covered with a wetting layer. The electrical conductor lines may be embedded in a strip of anti-wetting material that runs along the peripheries to create a wettability contrast. The wettability contrast helps to maintain a drop of alignment liquid between the contact areas so as to obtain self-alignment by capillary force. By applying appropriate charges on the conductor lines, electrostatic self-alignment is realized, which improves the alignment obtained through capillary force and maintains the alignment during evaporation of the liquid.
Octrooi-publicatienummer: US9799632
Jaar aanvraag: 2017
Jaar toekenning: 2017
Jaar van publicatie: 2017
Status: Toegewezen
Technologiedomeinen: Semiconductoren
Gevalideerd voor IOF-sleutel: Ja
Toegewezen aan: Associatie KULeuven