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Collaboration and shared responsibility in team teaching : development of an instrument

Boekbijdrage - Boekabstract Conferentiebijdrage

This paper reports on the development and validation of the Collaboration and Shared Responsibility in Team Teaching (CSTT) scale. This instrument can be used to empirically assess two important dimensions of the practice of team teaching (i.e., collaboration and shared responsibility). The practice of team teaching refers to how team teachers deliver team teaching in the classroom. The purpose of this paper is threefold: (1) development and validation of the instrument, (2) tests of measurement invariance, and (3) descriptive statistics about collaboration and shared responsibility in team teaching. The development and validation of the CSTT proceeded along four different phases. First, items were generated based on the research literature on team teaching. Second, experts were consulted to review the preliminary items. Third, a pilot study (n = 20) was set out and finally, a large-scale validation study with 555 participants was performed using exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses. Results suggest a two-factor structure of key dimensions of the practice of team teaching: collaboration (10 items, α = 0.949), and shared responsibility (5 items, α = 0.879). Subsequently, differences in teachers’ practice of team teaching across several subgroups of team teachers (i.e., teaching experience, education type and frequency of team teaching) were explored using tests of measurement invariance based on multigroup confirmatory factor analyses. Results indicate that teachers across the studied groups interpret the developed measurement instrument in a consistent manner. Lastly, empirical insights are given using descriptive statistics. Results demonstrate that team teachers report high scores on collaboration and shared responsibility.
Boek: EARLI 2023 : education as a hope in uncertain times, Abstracts
Aantal pagina's: 1
Jaar van publicatie:2023