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A deep learning and Monte Carlo based framework for bioluminescence imaging center of mass-guided glioblastoma targeting
Tijdschriftbijdrage - Tijdschriftartikel
Objective. Bioluminescence imaging (BLI) is a valuable tool for non-invasive monitoring of glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) tumor-bearing small animals without incurring x-ray radiation burden. However, the use of this imaging modality is limited due to photon scattering and lack of spatial information. Attempts at reconstructing bioluminescence tomography (BLT) using mathematical models of light propagation show limited progress. Approach. This paper employed a different approach by using a deep convolutional neural network (CNN) to predict the tumor's center of mass (CoM). Transfer-learning with a sizeable artificial database is employed to facilitate the training process for, the much smaller, target database including Monte Carlo (MC) simulations of real orthotopic glioblastoma models. Predicted CoM was then used to estimate a BLI-based planning target volume (bPTV), by using the CoM as the center of a sphere, encompassing the tumor. The volume of the encompassing target sphere was estimated based on the total number of photons reaching the skin surface. Main results. Results show sub-millimeter accuracy for CoM prediction with a median error of 0.59 mm. The proposed method also provides promising performance for BLI-based tumor targeting with on average 94% of the tumor inside the bPTV while keeping the average healthy tissue coverage below 10%. Significance. This work introduced a framework for developing and using a CNN for targeted radiation studies for GBM based on BLI. The framework will enable biologists to use BLI as their main image-guidance tool to target GBM tumors in rat models, avoiding delivery of high x-ray imaging dose to the animals.
Tijdschrift: Physics in Medicine and Biology
ISSN: 0031-9155
Issue: 14
Volume: 67
Jaar van publicatie:2022
Trefwoorden:small animal precision radiotherapy, bioluminescence tomography reconstruction, deep learning, 3D convolutional neural network, center of mass, transfer learning, Monte Carlo simulation, Radiologie en nucleaire geneeskunde, Biomaterialen en biomedische ingenieurswetenschappen
BOF-publication weight:1
Authors from:Higher Education