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Effective teaching behaviour : a comparison between individual teaching and team teaching

Boekbijdrage - Boekabstract Conferentiebijdrage

Although effective teaching behaviour is central for student learning outcomes, the extent to which teachers behave effectively in the classroom during team teaching remains unanswered. In the literature there is a general assumption that teachers who team teach manage to teach more effectively than teachers who teach individually. However, there exists no research that empirically proves this to be true. The present paper aims to provide a clear picture of the differences in effective teaching behaviour during individual and team teaching. To achieve this goal, a large-scale cross-sectional survey study (n = 542) was performed among team teachers in compulsory education. The results show that teachers report that they perceive their teaching behaviour to be more effective during team teaching compared to individual teaching. In addition, multilevel analyses were carried out in order to examine whether demographic and team teaching variables have an impact on these perceptions. These analyses show that both education type (i.e., pre-primary, primary and secondary education) and the frequency of team teaching (i.e., percentage of team teaching in the teaching assignment) explain the differences in perceptions of effective teaching behaviour during individual and team teaching.
Boek: EARLI 2023 : education as a hope in uncertain times, Abstracts
Aantal pagina's: 1
Jaar van publicatie:2023