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Exploring the role of research culture in primary teacher involvement in inquiry-based working
Boekbijdrage - Boekabstract Conferentiebijdrage
A supportive research culture is crucial for promoting teacher involvement in inquiry-based working. There is, yet, a lack of empirical evidence on how to establish such a culture in primary schools. To address this gap, this study employs a mixed-methods approach to explore the role of research culture in primary teacher involvement in inquiry-based working. First, latent profile analysis was applied based on data collected from 5566 Chinese primary teachers to identify subgroups according to their involvement in inquiry-based working. Results revealed three distinct profiles: Profile 1, ‘Classroom Reflector’; Profile 2, ‘Inquiring Teachers’; and Profile 3, ‘Active Inquirer and School Transformer.’ Second, 24 teachers from three different profiles were selected for interviews. Results indicated that teachers from different profiles reported different relationships with their schools’ research culture. Additionally, the study revealed the characteristics of research culture in primary schools and how it can administratively and autonomously motivate teachers to become involved in inquiry-based working. Based on these findings, this study suggests a series of detailed strategies for school leaders to establish a supportive research culture that fosters autonomous motivation of inquiry-based working among teachers.
Boek: EAPRIL 2023, Abstracts
Aantal pagina's: 1
Jaar van publicatie:2023