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Organizational capacity and organizational ambition in nonprofit and voluntary sports clubs
Tijdschriftbijdrage - Tijdschriftartikel
This research measures organizational capacity and organizational ambition in nonprofit and voluntary sports clubs. The organizational capacity dimensions of Hall et al.’s (The capacity to serve: A qualitative study of the challenges facing Canada’s nonprofit and voluntary organizations, 2003) multidimensional framework are completed with corresponding dimensions reflecting organizational ambition, and the human resources dimension is further detailed. Each dimension is adapted to be applicable in a sports clubs setting, resulting in the following organizational ambition and capacity dimensions: human resources (board, coaches, volunteers, youth coaches), accommodation, management, financing, and external orientation. Data obtained from a sample of 585 Flemish sports clubs were analyzed using exploratory factor analysis, revealing five types of sports clubs that are labeled ‘ambition,’ ‘coaches,’ ‘volunteers,’ ‘management,’ and ‘accommodation deficiency.’ The findings support the use of a multidimensional framework based on the dimensions organizational capacity and organizational ambition, and the usefulness of distinguishing among four types of volunteers.
ISSN: 0957-8765
Issue: 5
Volume: 26
Pagina's: 2023 - 2043
Jaar van publicatie:2015
BOF-publication weight:0.1
CSS-citation score:2
Authors from:Higher Education