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Quantum Entanglement Partly Demystified
Tijdschriftbijdrage - Tijdschriftartikel
We consider a simple string model to explain and partly demystify the phenomenon of quantum entanglement. The model in question has nothing to do with string theory: it uses macroscopic strings that can be acted upon by Alice and Bob in ways that violate, or fail to violate, in different ways Bell-CHSH inequalities and the no-signaling conditions, also called marginal laws. We present several variants of the model, to address different objections that may arise. This allows us to make fully visible what the quantum formalism already suggests, about the nature of the correlations associated with entangled states, which appear to be created in a contextual manner at each execution of a joint measurement. We also briefly present the hidden measurement interpretation, whose rationale is compatible with the mechanism suggested by our string model, then offer some final thoughts about the possibility that the quantum entanglement phenomenon might affect not only states, but also measurements, and that our physical reality would be predominantly non-spatial in nature.
Tijdschrift: International Journal of Theoretical Physics
ISSN: 0020-7748
Issue: 4
Volume: 63
Jaar van publicatie:2024
Trefwoorden:quant-ph, Multidisciplinaire natuurkunde