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Colonic butyrate administration modulates fear memory but not the acute stress response in men: A randomized, triple-blind, placebo-controlled trial KU Leuven
Short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) are produced in the colon following bacterial fermentation of dietary fiber and are important microbiota-gut-brain messengers. However, their mechanistic role in modulating psychobiological processes that underlie the development of stress- and anxiety-related disorders is scarcely studied in humans. We have previously shown that colonic administration of a SCFA mixture (acetate, propionate, butyrate) lowers the ...
What a Relief! The Pleasure of Threat Avoidance KU Leuven
Relief, a pleasurable experience, is often triggered by successful threat avoidance. Although relief is regarded as the positive reinforcer for avoidance behavior, its rewarding nature remains to be demonstrated. In our study, 50 participants responded to cues associated with different magnitudes of monetary values or electrical stimuli. Successful responses to those cues resulted in monetary gains (i.e., rewards) or omissions of electrical ...
Een nieuwe blik op exposure KU Leuven
Exposure is een succesvolle therapie, maar hoe werkt het eigenlijk? Michelle Craske en collega's bieden met het model van de inhibitory retrieval een vernieuwende en bijwijlen verrassende kijk op exposure, met concrete gevolgen voor de praktijk. Daarom is in dit nummer van Gedragstherapie de vertaling opgenomen van een recent artikel waarin ze deze nieuwe visie uiteenzetten en de OptEx Nexus introduceren als klinische leidraad. In deze proloog ...
Overnight fasting affects avoidance learning and relief KU Leuven
Objectives: prolonged fasting influences threat and reward processing, two fundamental systems underpinning adaptive behaviors. In animals, overnight fasting sensitizes the mesolimbic-dopaminergic activity governing avoidance, reward, and fearextinction learning. Despite evidence that overnight fasting may also affect reward and fear learning in humans, effects on human avoidance learning have not been studied yet. Here, we examined the effects ...
The effect of experimentally induced positive affect on the generalization of pain-related avoidance and relief KU Leuven
Avoiding pain-associated activities can prevent tissue damage. However, when avoidance spreads excessively (or overgeneralizes) to safe activities, it may culminate into chronic pain disability. Gaining insight into ways to reduce overgeneralization is therefore crucial. An important factor to consider in this is relief, as it reinforces avoidance behavior and therefore may be pivotal in making avoidance persist. The current study investigated ...