Development, Testing, and Implementation of the Belgian Patient Reported Experience Measure for Pancreatic Cancer Care (PREPARE) Project Vrije Universiteit Brussel Universiteit Antwerpen
BACKGROUND: Patients with pancreatic cancer do not feel involved in the development of their treatment and care plans. In Belgium, these plans are decided on during multidisciplinary team meetings. However, limited time is spent on the discussion of the preferences of the patient during these meetings. This research project aims to develop a patient-reported experience measure (PREM) for pancreatic cancer and assess if its use can support ...
Health Care Organizations’ Interoperability during Multi-Organizational Disaster Management: A Scoping Review Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Introduction: Disaster management (DM) is becoming increasingly complex because of technological advancement and the multi-organization and international contexts. Effective interoperability and adequate collaboration in DM have the potential to spare the human life and to control the economic burden. For those reasons, it's becoming important to find a way for systems and organizations that exploit, at the same time, the technological ...
Development of a Patient Reported Experience Measure (PREM) for Chronic Inflammatory Skin Diseases. Vrije Universiteit Brussel KU Leuven
Objectives: The aim of this study was to identify the relevant items for ...
Exploring non-physician care professionals' roles in cancer multidisciplinary team meetings: A qualitative study. Vrije Universiteit Brussel Universiteit Gent
The growing complexity of cancer care necessitates collaboration among different professionals. This interprofessional collaboration improves cancer care delivery and outcomes. Treatment decision-making within the context of a multidisciplinaire team meeting (MDTMs) may be seen as a particular form of interprofessional collaboration. Various studies on cancer MDTMs highlight a pattern of suboptimal information sharing between attendants. To ...
Physicians’ attitudes and perspectives regarding the uptake of psychosocial aspects and/or patient preferences during multidisciplinary team meetings in oncology Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Are future medical oncologists sufficiently trained to communicate about palliative care? The medical oncology curriculum in Flanders, Belgium. Vrije Universiteit Brussel Universiteit Gent
Background: Palliative care is considered an integral part of oncology and communicating this with patients is an unavoidable task for oncologists. This contribution investigated to what extent communication skills for communicating palliative care with patients are trained in the formal academic training program in medical oncology in Flanders, Belgium. The programme is based on the recommendations for a Global Core Curriculum in Medical ...