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Enabling the recognition of people in poverty through social work practice. From being on a par to participating on a par = De erkenning van mensen in armoede via sociaal werk. Van gelijkwaardig zijn naar gelijkwaardige participatie Universiteit Gent
In de strijd tegen armoede zetten sociaal werkpraktijken de laatste decennia sterk in op een politiek van erkenning en respect, maar het is niet altijd duidelijk hoe dergelijke politiek zich verhoudt tot de socio-economische en politieke dimensies van armoede. Via een uitgebreide kwalitatieve studie in vijf Verenigingen waar Armen het Woord Nemen (België), wordt blootgelegd hoe praktijkwerkers deze connectie proberen te maken. Onze analyse duidt ...
The concept of participation. If they have access and interact, do they really participate Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Participation is a concept that is being used in a wide variety of fields, and that has obtained an evenly large range of meanings. This article attempts first to ground participation in democratic theory, which allows introducing the distinction between minimalist and maximalist forms of participation. In the second part of the article, a broad definition of the politics will be used to transcend to logics of institutionalized politics, and to ...
Who is willing to participate? Examining public participation intention concerning decommissioning of nuclear power plants in Belgium Universiteit Antwerpen
Decommissioning of Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs) is now a pertinent energy-related matter since most of the nuclear reactors built during nuclear renaissance will soon reach the end of their operational life. Drawing on the theoretical framework based on elements of the Value-Belief-Norm theory, psychometric paradigm, deliberative theories of democracy and in the levels of participation as defined by Arnstein's ladder, this is the first ...
The concept of participation. If they have access and interact, do they really participate? Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Participation is a concept that is being used in a wide variety of fields,
and that has obtained an evenly wide range of meanings. This article attempts first to
ground participation in democratic theory, which allows introducing the distinction
between minimalist and maximalist forms of participation. In the second part of the
article, a broad definition of the political will be used to transcend to logics of ...
and that has obtained an evenly wide range of meanings. This article attempts first to
ground participation in democratic theory, which allows introducing the distinction
between minimalist and maximalist forms of participation. In the second part of the
article, a broad definition of the political will be used to transcend to logics of ...
Who participates in the Dutch Chlamydia Screening? A study on demographic and behavioral correlates of participation and positivity Instituut voor Tropische Geneeskunde
BACKGROUND: In the Netherlands, an Internet-based Chlamydia Screening Implementation was initiated in 3 regions, aiming to reduce population prevalence by annual testing and treatment of people aged 16 to 29 years. We studied who was reached in the first screening round by relating participation and chlamydia positivity to sociodemographic and sexual risk factors.
METHODS: Data from the 2008/2009 screening round were analyzed (261,025 ...
Wellicht heeft participatie ertoe bijgedragen – wellicht zal participatie ertoe bijdragen KU Leuven
Participatie’ werd, in de nasleep van 1968, een sleutelwoord in architectuur, stedenbouw en ruimtelijke ordening in Vlaanderen en Brussel. Sindsdien zijn processen van medezeggenschap, inspraak en coproductie min of meer ingeburgerd in ontwerp- en planningspraktijken. Het enthousiasme voor deze processen is aan wisselende invloeden onderhevig en participatie staat dus lang niet altijd centraal in de feitelijke beslissingsstromen. Dit boek ...