Collective sampling of environmental features under limited sampling budget Universiteit Gent
STtech: sampling and transport techniques for Aedes eggs during a sampling campaign in a low-resource setting Instituut voor Tropische Geneeskunde
Container-breeding Aedes spp. (Diptera: Culicidae) mosquitoes can be surveilled at low cost using ovitraps. Hence, this method is a preferred monitoring approach of dengue vectors in low-resource settings. The ovitraps consist of a cup filled with water and an oviposition substrate for female mosquitoes. The attractiveness of the substrates for female mosquitoes can greatly differ due to differences in texture, color, and smell of the ...
Passive sampling reversed: coupling passive field sampling with passive lab dosing to assess the ecotoxicity of mixtures present in the marine environment Universiteit Gent
A mixed-method investigation into measurement reactivity to the experience sampling method: The role of sampling protocol and individual characteristics KU Leuven
Face mask sampling (FMS) for tuberculosis shows lower diagnostic sensitivity than sputum sampling in Guinea Instituut voor Tropische Geneeskunde
BACKGROUND: Pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) diagnosis relies on sputum examination, a challenge in sputum-scarce patients. Alternative non-invasive sampling methods such as face mask sampling (FMS) have been proposed.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the value of FMS for PTB diagnosis by assessing its agreement with sputum samples processed by GeneXpert MTB/RIF (Ultra)(Xpert) testing, and describe FMS sensitivity and specificity.