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Validation of TOPAS MC for modelling the efficiency of an extended-range coaxial p-type HPGe detector Universiteit Hasselt
TOPAS MC software was used to model the efficiency of a coaxial p-type HPGe detector, type GX9023 from Canberra. The model was validated by comparing experimental efficiencies with efficiencies calculated by TOPAS MC simulations. Three different geometries of radionuclide sources, placed at different heights from the detector endcap, were used to validate the model. The imposed criteria of 5% relative difference was met for a range of ...
TOPAS simulations of the response of a mini-TEPC: benchmark with experimental data KU Leuven Universiteit Hasselt
Objective. Microdosimetry offers a fast tool for radiation quality (RQ) verification to be implemented in treatment planning systems in proton therapy based on variable LET or RBE to move forward from the use of a fixed RBE of 1.1. It is known that the RBE of protons can increase up to 50% higher than that value in the last few millimetres of their range. Microdosimetry can be performed both experimentally and by means of Monte Carlo (MC) ...
Tricuspid Regurgitation is Associated With Increased Risk of Mortality in Patients With Low-Flow Low-Gradient Aortic Stenosis and Reduced Ejection Fraction Results of the Multicenter TOPAS Study (True or Pseudo-Severe Aortic Stenosis) Vrije Universiteit Brussel
OBJECTIVES This study sought to examine the impact of tricuspid regurgitation (TR) on mortality in patients with low-flow, low-gradient (LF-LG) aortic stenosis (AS) and reduced left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF). BACKGROUND TR is often observed in patients with LF-LG AS and low LVEF, but its impact on prognosis remains unknown. METHODS A total of 211 patients (73 +/- 10 years of age; 77% men) with LF-LG AS (mean gradient <40 mm Hg and ...
La respuesta barroca de Tomas Segovia al existenicalismo: El 'segundo sexo' en Zamora bajo los astros de Tomas Segovia Universiteit Gent
Tomas Segovia y la linguistica estructuralista: Ensayos en una dinamica de debate Universiteit Gent
The dialogue with literary and philosophical tendencies coming from France, Spain and other European countries is a constant in the essays by Tomas Segovia (Valencia 1927 - Mexico 2011). The cultural scene of Europe is not only his main source of inspiration but also provokes his very strong response. These involved reactions can be positive, as in the case of the existentialism by Sartre and Camus, or negative, as in the case of the ...
In Memoriam Tomas Tranströmer (1931-2015) Universiteit Gent
Kort 'In memoriam' van de grote Zweedse dichter Tomas Tranströmer
Una brecha entre España y México: el exilio del escritor hispanomexicano Tomás Segovia desde la vertiente francesa Universiteit Gent
Tomás Segovia ante el exilio Universiteit Gent
En este estudio, llamamos la atención sobre los textos ensayÃsticos de los años 70 y 80 en los que Segovia habla por primera vez explÃticamente de su vivencia del exilio. La oposición entre dos valoraciones opuestas frente al exilio, la plutarquea y la ovidiana, tal como la articula Claudio Guillén, nos parece un instrumento útil para comprender mejor la polaridad que predomina en el discurso sobre el exilio del poeta hispanomexicano. Hallamos ...