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The effect of resistance training, detraining and retraining on muscle strength and power, myofibre size, satellite cells and myonuclei in older men KU Leuven
INTRODUCTION: Ageing is associated with an attenuated hypertrophic response to resistance training and periods of training interruptions. Hence, elderly would benefit from the 'muscle memory' effects of resistance training on muscle strength and mass during detraining and retraining. As the underlying mechanisms are not yet clear, this study investigated the role of myonuclei during training, detraining and retraining by using PCM1 labelling in ...
Basic life support refresher training of nurses : individual traning and group training are equally effective Universiteit Gent Universiteit Antwerpen
Background and objectives Basic life support (BLS) skills of hospital nurses are often poor. We compared individual BLS refresher training (IT; one instructor to one trainee) with group refresher training (GT; one instructor to six trainees). We hypothesised that IT would result in better skill acquisition and retention. Methods Nurses from non-critical care wards (n = 120) were randomised to IT or GT. Skills were assessed by a 3 min BLS test on ...
High intensity interval training is associated with greater impact on physical fitness, insulin sensitivity and muscle mitochondrial content in males with overweight/obesity, as opposed to continuous endurance training: a randomized controlled trial Universiteit Hasselt KU Leuven Universiteit Gent
Objectives: To evaluate the effect of high intensity training (HIT) on physical fitness, basal respiratory exchange ratio (bRER), insulin sensitivity and muscle histology in overweight/obese men compared to continuous aerobic training (CAT). Material and methods: 16 male participants with overweight/obesity (age: 42-57 years, body mass index: 28-36 kg/m2) were randomized to HIT (n=8) or CAT (n=8) for 10 weeks, twice a week. HIT was composed of ...
Approach-bias retraining and other training interventions as add-on in the treatment of AUD patients Universiteit Gent
In the past two decades, a variety of cognitive training interventions have been developed to help people overcome their addictive behaviors. Conceptually, it is important to distinguish between programs in which reactions to addiction-relevant cues are trained (varieties of cognitive bias modification, CBM) and programs in which general abilities are trained such as working memory or mindfulness. CBM was first developed to study the ...
Effectiveness of the home-based training program Tele-UPCAT (Tele-monitored UPper Limb Children Action Observation Training) in unilateral cerebral palsy: a randomized controlled trial Universiteit Hasselt KU Leuven
BACKGROUND: The effects of unilateral cerebral palsy (UCP) are largely observed in the upper limb (UL), which represents the main focus of rehabilitation for this disorder. Thanks to an increment in home training and progress in technology innovative systems have been created. The Tele-UPCAT (Tele-monitored UPper Limb Children Action Observation Training) platform is dedicated to the delivery at home of a program for UL rehabilitation, based on ...
The influence of specific supervisor support types on transfer of training: examining the mediating effect of training retention Universiteit Antwerpen KU Leuven
The aim of this study was to examine the differential effects of specific types of supervisor support on transfer of training, taking into account established trainee characteristics, such as trainees motivation to learn, motivation to transfer, and training self-efficacy. More specifically, nine types of supervisor support were examined (pre-training information, role modelling & facilitation, request sharing, favourable attitude, coaching ...
Determinants of effective organisational capacity training: lessons from a training programme on health workforce development with participants from three African countries Instituut voor Tropische Geneeskunde
Background: Health systems in sub-Saharan Africa face multifaceted capacity challenges to fulfil their mandates of service provision and governance of their resources. Four academic institutions in Africa implemented a World Health Organisation-funded collaborative project encompassing training, curriculum development, and partnership to strengthen national leadership and training capacity for health workforce development. This paper ...
Interactieve trainings- en beslissingsondersteuning voor het optimaliseren van revalidatievoorschriften in patiënten met hart- en vaatziekten: de EXercise Prescription in Everyday practice & Rehabilitative Training (EXPERT) tool Universiteit Hasselt
Fysieke revalidatie wordt sterk aanbevolen in de huidige richtlijnen voor (secundaire) preventie van hart- en vaatziekten (CVD). Veel clinici ervaren echter moeilijkheden bij het voorschrijven van revalidatie (trainingsintensiteit, type, sessie- en programmaduur en frequentie) wanneer verschillende CVD’s en risicofactoren binnen dezelfde patiënt voorkomen. Er is dus nood aan een instrument dat clinici assisteert in het voorschrijven van ...
The effects of high-intensity exercise training and detraining with and without active recovery on postexercise hypotension in young men KU Leuven
Whether high-intensity exercise training and detraining combined with skeletal muscle pump (MP) could alter the magnitude of postexercise hypotension has not been investigated. We therefore sought to determine whether the combination of MP (unloaded back-pedaling) with 4 weeks of high-intensity exercise training and detraining could alter the magnitude of postexercise hypotension. Fourteen healthy men underwent 4 weeks of high-intensity exercise ...